My First April Inleo Journey

The Month of April have really been a month of so many celebrations and opportunities to me. The Month of April started with the celebration of Christ and other related celebrations. I started Inleo leotask engagement in the Month of April on the 10th of April.


April Inleo initiative will be my first engagement on Inleo Monthly prompt. I was introduced to Inleo Monthly prompt by @moremoney28 and @fashtioluwa. They introduced me to Inleo monthly prompt which I started on the 10th of April with the initiative topic on Recipe, Family, Dishes, and Dining.

My First engagement started with errors on the use to tag and arrangements of the engagement prompt which I was taught and corrected by @eunice9200. She taught me on how to engage Fully and I was able to correct all my errors and mistake in my daily engagement

My Journey through Inleo has helped improved my Cognitive retention, bringing memories and experience, and creatively writing on topics with my initiative and knowledge about the Topic or Prompt.

Through My journey on Inleo, I have been able to engage and meet New and old members of the Inleo prompt, by reading and Engaging on their post.

This April Inleo prompt topics has been my best engagement on hive. I creatively enjoyed writing them through researches and and my understanding and experience on the topic.
Some of the Daily Initiative of this April Inleo I enjoyed writing on where

  • Peer pressure ; This topic brought to my understanding of the common challenges some people faced during childhood, whereby the society and friends can act as a negative influence to the child which can affect the child growth and could cause physical or mental harm.

  • Dreams, fantasy world; where I was able to explain challenges I faced while sleeping. (Sleeping Paralysis)

  • Things that can be improved in my town; I was able to share with every on how my town can develop and grow.

  • literature; Inleo introduced me to writing of literatures in the inkwell community which I enjoy doing today. I discovered my self that I enjoy writing creative story’s just like my story Motivator @sabrinah and @justfavour

My Inleo growth can’t be fully rated by me now, because I feel am just developing in my creative writing on the Inleo topics. Although I can boldly say that Inleo prompt has really helped me more than any other creative writing prompt.

Some of my major growth discoveries I discovered writing and engaging on other peoples post, on my first April Inleo prompt are;

  • Improve my thoughts.

  • Brings back memories.

  • improves My creativity

  • Helps me to aware of other countries challenges and development

  • Create awareness to me of how the world revolves and it’s challenges and growth.

I can never underestimate my abilities on my creativity now that I have a community On Hive that can help me to be creative and bring out the best out of me through their monthly prompt

I look forward to writing More Monthly Prompt on Inleo and I hope to develop and grow my creative writing through Inleo topics and Task.

This Is My Entry to the Inleo leogrowth leotask Day 30

Thank You Inleo Monthly Prompt
Yours Scincerely

Image owned By Me and Edited on Canva

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