My Best Buddy

I call her Buddy. My first encounter with buddy was through my friend whom I bought my Persian Cat from. Buddy have always been my boredom relieve. Most times if I am lost in thought I play with buddy just to get distracted from thoughts.

My Dog breed is Lhasa Aspo, 8month old. I love her because she’s super active and never a dull time with her.

Training your dog is a vital domain to have. You could have a visitor in the house and if your dog is not well trained can act aggressive over stranger or strange face. I trained her that when I say seat, she seats, when she’s alone at home she acts dominant which is one of the characteristics i love about her.

My Dog loves to play throw and catch and never gets tired even after a long period of play.

I Feed Buddy with some African meal like rice, stews and lots more, if I want to feed my buddy with heavy meal I mostly use my Hands to break it down to feed her to avoid choking or difficulty in swallowing.

I remember some month ago when my buddy was 4 month and fell since, I was so afraid then, the vet told me it was 50/50 I really loved my puppy and I had trained her to be perfect I don’t want to lose her.

The Sickness was parvovirus. I can remember calling some of my friends then, telling me that was what killed their Dog. My friends told me to Zero my mind on her, the Vet said 50/50 but still Buddy Came out strong and active.

I also have a Cat, Both of them play today just that my cat loves to sleep and just look everytime lol, my dog is very active which is the reason why I love her more.

My Family have always rare Dogs, Before I was Born, my dad had a dog named jack, I grew up with this dog alongside others but I loved jack more, when I was 10 jack had clocked 13 years and then jack got week then passed away. After some month jack passed away my dad got another Dog Names Michele. Michele stayed with our family for 10 years before she passed away.

Presently now at my dad place we have a German Shepard who is 6 years now. But I stay far from home because of school and life.

Throughout My Journey of life it is advisable to have pet for some reasons which I will be listing them below;

  • To ease Boredom

  • Prevent Depression

  • You will always be Happy around them

  • Ease Loneliness

  • for protection

  • To Awaken your Lazy act.

Try get a Pet Today and live comfortably and healthy.

This is My Entry to Day 23 #Aprilinleo #inleo #leogrowth #Apriltask. April Monthly Calendar. You can participate in the April monthly calendar for free


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Yours sincerely


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