Cycling My Best Competitive Sport

Hello Cyclist Community, I bring to you this lovely experience and to share with you all the love I have towards watching cycling Competition and what I gain from watching them also.


My First encounter with Cycling Competitve games was when in 2008, when my brothers and I were watching Olympics sport and games. The game took place in Beijing china. Before These day I have never thought or had any imagination that cycling competition existed. I have only thought of football, soccer, shotput, javelins throws, athletics and other sport and games because we have been watching it from time to time.
There were over 66 nations that participated in this competition. But the Great Britain won with 14medals and eight Golds.

I also engage in watching other countries local cycling. Like, time trial competition, Road races, mountain Bikes and lots more. In Nigeria local cycling are rarely performed because of low sponsorship from both government and influential groups. Most times cycling competition are performed within the school competitions.

2012, I once engaged in a local cycling competition, but I don’t have a phone then to take pictures, we were 12 that competed with eachother. And I won, they was no big prize on winning since it is not a formal setting competition. I was young then, my rewards was not in medals or awards but in money, because it had no organized form. On Getting to School the next day I was like a champion alongside some of my other friends who won from different sports like, badminton, tennis and others.

Presently during My free times I watch some countries Cycling events, like Australia, china, USA and lots more.

I will encourage everyone around me to see the beauty in cycling competition, that cycling is not just about daily routines but it also brings competitive joy go everyone around it.



Some of the Cycling Competition I watch are

  • Milan Sanremo
  • Tour of Flanders
  • Tour de France
  • Six Gap Century
  • Hotter’N Hell Hundred
  • TD Five Boro Bike Tour
  • Tour of America Diary Land
  • The Vuelta a Espana
  • The Giro
  • The Netherlands
    And lots more.
    I most times watch them on Esport channels or on YouTube because I follow up most cycling news. I love Cycling and I will love you all to see the beauty I see also in cycling.

What I have learnt so far from watching This cycling competitions are;

  1. It Brings Unity among different states and country’s.

  2. It Write history and increase Medals to a community.

  3. It Helps to create awareness for all other Products and designs.

  4. It is an avenue for Publicity of new creativity production or engagement.

  5. It helps Everyone to be aware of safety rules governing cycling.

  6. It helps to Motivate the People.

  7. It Reduces Rusk of Depression

This is My Entry to the #AprilInleo #inleo Monthly Prompt Day 19. This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. You can join here. This is the calendar.


Thank you for Reading My Post
Your Sincerely

All image sourced From Pixabay

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