I Believe Good Photos Can be Take Anywhere; Phone Photography-04

Having a photo gives description of an event that has happened before. It is good to take pictures everywhere you go, and not just random pictures but quality pictures. I believe photography is not just going to location or fancy area to take pictures but you having a good phone or camera.

Having a good phone, could determine the quality of your photo you take. Photography is not necessary you taking pictures in fancy locations, I believe good photos can be taken anywhere even on you bed or anywhere, all we just need to to have basic idea about editing photos on phone or laptop.

All this pictures were taken with iPhone 7plus. IPhone 7plus camera is a 12Mp and 2x zoom, Although it is not the latest iPhone but the phone still takes some good shot even at its lowest form.

Here is a picture I took at a park in Lekki, Lagos Nigeria. This is a Road sign I fell in love it and I edited all on phone make it look unique like this


Here is a picture of My Younger Brother and Friends, I took the picture though with an iPhone 11, this is one of the most classy photo ever taken by me.



This Photography was inspired By Mixedby96 cocktails, I help them manage their social media, and the business is owned by my friend. Here are the best pictures I took myself, with my IPhone 7plus.


I so Much love this picture, it was taken by me, when I was in a public transport in Lagos, going to work. It was taken with my IPhone 7plus.


April is know to be the death and resurrection of jesus. Here is an Easter concert I went to on April 3rd, to sing and listen to good musical sounds in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
I actually love concerts, because am a fan a good sounds and music.


This Picture was taken in Ilupeju’s lagos Nigeria. I was standing at a 7 story building tall. And it was taken with my IPhone 7plus. We can see several buildings and motors moving. To some people outside Nigeria, this is how some buildings look like in Nigeria.

This was inspired by my Chihuahua, she just gave birth. It was taken with iPhone 7plus. I so much love puppies. And I love this particular puppy color.



I so much love this building that I wish to own an apartment here, this place is lekki, Lagos, Nigeria, and the picture was taken with my IPhone 7plus. I was driving along the road I had to stop to take this picture then.

Although my IPhone 7plus might not produce very quality pictures but the mini photos taken has a little bit standard.

This is My Entry to the #Inleo #Aprilinleo, Day 18. This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. The topic is “I Believe Good photos can be taken anywhere, Photo Dump....". You can join here. This is the calendar


Thank you for Reading through My Post
Yours sincerely

All image Owned By Me

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