Change for the beauty of life - LOH 190

Changes are inevitable in life, and they can often be challenging to adapt to

There's a circumstance that impacted my life in a way that I didn't expect or kind of underestimated. It happened 3 years ago and that's when I became a mother.

Sudden wasn't enough to describe the change it brought into my life but more like drastic.

What changed?

My whole life changed.

From being a happy-go-lucky person, to a very anxious mother.
From alcohol drinking, to coke/coffee drinking.
From late-night, no-care fun to late-night staring at my Lo.
From spending on ME-care to spending on diapers, healthy food for my Lo.
From my money is mine to my money is for my Lo.
From lots of cursing to singing every effin' time to get my Lo's attention.

There's a lot more, I am sure that most moms here will agree.

Was it hard?
Hell yeah. Total 300% of the time. Being a mom is easy, being a parent? I am getting there and I barely know how to be one.

How did I deal with it?
With just a little bit of late nights for me time, anxiously thinking about things that what could go wrong and what I did wrong. Thinking how different I was when I wasn't a mom yet, and lastly, thinking of how to deal with it.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't regret giving birth to my child. I love it, every second of it. I just can't over the fact that from the 29 years of my life, I had to drastically, abruptly, suddenly change everything who I was from the moment I gave birth.

Another change that I wouldn't change in me as a habit, is cutting my own hair. :)
Yeah, let's kill 2 birds in one stone hahaha!

Personally, I find cutting my own hair satisfying and relieving. Same with dyeing my own hair.
My mother has been cutting me and my sister's hair ever since, but when we already had jobs we now can afford to go to a salon for a haircut. Not for me, I learned a few things from my mom because she had a salon when I was still a kid. So, I started cutting my bangs first, then trimming the length of my hair to cutting it short.

If my memory serves me right, I only went to the salon about 5x (or maybe more but definitely less than 10x) ever since. Most of the time I get disappointed with the outcome but only one salon that didn't fail me, T&J Salon. It is where I got my first undercut hairstyle and from then I shave and cut my own hair.

I remember a bad service that I had when I went to a salon in Tacloban. It was my first time again to get a proper haircut since I gave birth. I showed this picture as his reference.


This was my haircut way back 2019.
To my surprise, the hairstylist hesitated to shave my hair as high as what was on the picture. He told me 'I will look like a guy'. I told him that this is me and that's my hair, I wanted it to be almost exactly like that. He still hesitated. I almost walked out of the salon, but because I wanted to look different again, I just ignored him and rant to my husband and next time I told him is that I need to buy a razor.

So far cutting and dyeing my own hair turned out great for me, and I've been doing it since I was 18. Just don't ask me to do yours hahahaha!


For this week's LOH topics

1ļøāƒ£ Changes are inevitable but sometimes we find it difficult to adapt to them. Was there a circumstance or a sudden change that impacted your life, routine, or lifestyle? How did you deal with it? Did you have a hard time? Please share the story. š€ššƒ / šŽš‘ ~

2ļøāƒ£ Some women cut their own hair not mainly to save money but because they find fun in doing it. Have you ever done it yourself? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?


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