Introducing Novopangea! A Multi Player Web3 Economy Strategy Game

Introducing Novopangea!

The game you definitely want to be in.

This is a showcase for a game I've been playing since their first week selling nfts. I've studied the game and paid attention to the devs of this game since then. I've found them to be really great people building a really great game. I want this game to crush! So i'll be doing a few posts a week to build a comprehensive guide for the game here on hive.

First of all, what is the name?

Well, according to wikipedia:

Novopangaea or Novopangea (Greco-Latin for "New Pangaea") is a possible future supercontinent postulated by Roy Livermore in the late 1990s. It assumes closure of the Pacific,[1] docking of Australia with East Asia, and northward motion of Antarctica.

Naturally the name is drawn from this, yet it has nothing to do with continents on our world.

This novopangea is a new fantasy world where you can earn tokens, own sick art and upgrade nfts to build your fantasy empire!

Alright, what type of game are we looking at here?

It's a multi player web3 economy strategy game. What all that means is that tons of people are playing it in a web3 environment on the blockchain.

There is a thriving economy in the game that includes skilled workers, resource production and mining, community buildings and they are even releasing creatures soon!

They are starting buildout really soon on PVP also so you'll want to get in now and get your corner of the map!

What chain is it on?

It's housed on the Wax chain. If you're unfamiliar, wax is a free to use chain similar to hive that caters more to gaming and nft creation.

What about the symbol?

The symbol is actually a combination of the symbols for the 6 realms in game.

Here is the map for the realms:

The art is really sick you guys, the best I've seen in the web3 gaming arena.

Take a look at these two travel passes:

Nice huh?

Nfts rare and above are animated guys. The legendary even have sound. They are truly top notch.

The dev team are people worth supporting too. You can tell the team has a great flow together and they enjoy the build. They are passionate still even after over a year in the market now. They are determined to build a kick ass game and have done great so far at every turn.

If you know anything about the world of blockchain you know tons of projects would have already fallen apart.

They are in it to win it!

Where do we start?

To start you'll want to first get a wax wallet. If you don't already have one you can easily get a Wax Cloud Wallet. This is a browser wallet, if you are serious about anything on the wax blockchain you'll want to eventually switch to something a bit more secure like Anchor Wallet.

The Wax Cloud Wallet is much easier to get and setup. It only requires an email and internet connection.

The Anchor Wallet is more secure for longer storage of tokens. It takes a bit more understanding of blockchain to set up you're wallet/s for use. You can have many wallets in Anchor.

There are other wallets you can use, these are the two I'm familiar with.

Once you've got a wax wallet of some type, head over to the main site at at You'll then want to hop onto the Novopangea Players Hub. There you can "login" with you're wax wallet.

If you are a new account the system will know and prompt you to enter you're name and email for a quick email verification and you're in.

Easy peasy.

The game starts with a pretty sick intro. You have to be in there to see it. It only shows the first time you enter the game.

(The pack opening also has a tight intro.)

There are 2 places you can now login.

  1. The players hub at:

  2. The game itself at:

The Players Hub

In our collection tab we can see any nft we own. Lands, items, buildings, workers etc. the marketplace is where you will burn cards to get other better things in game. (lands, buildings, ect. ) There are also links in there for buying NOVO and packs.

The Game

Once in game it will prompt to choose a realm. Once you've chosen an initial realm it becomes your "home realm". To visit any other realm after that you will need a travel pass like I showed examples of in the last post that matches the realm you would like to go to. Staking a travel pass to your account for any realm allows you to visit and build in that realm.

To be able to choose realm and lock it in you must have at least one nft of that type that can be used in game. All realms have all asset types.

Your asset choices are:

  1. Workers. Workers are by far the fastest, and cheapest, way to begin earning tokens in game right now. There is plenty of work for any worker you get (That is in your realm). They require very little to get started and upgrades are pretty cheap compared to buildings. I consider this the most streamline way to start earning right away. They work a shift (starts at 12 hours) then have to sleep. Sleep is less if the town hall for the district you are in is leveled up and if you are resting in leveled up residential buildings (starts at 24 hrs and lv2 townhall makes it 12). Workers can be upgraded using in game earnings.

  1. Land. Land is a crucial asset if you plan to build out and produce your own resources (by putting buildings on it and having workers working shifts) or if you're wanting to just rent it out. Each land can have one building on it at a time. The contract for staking a building to a land is one week at a time, you are paid in obsidian. Land is not upgradeable and it is finite.

  1. Resource buildings. There are currently 3 main types of resource buildings. Mines (energy), resource producing buildings (building materials and food) They all generate their respective tokens. Resource buildings can be upgraded using in game earnings. These buildings you can set a wage (in obsidian)and pay it then receive resources generated from the shift that the worker works (starts at 12 hours). The worker can be yours or one that comes to work after you've set it's wage. The worker cannot be a higher level than the resource building.

  1. Residential buildings. Residential buildings can also be rented. They are required to rest any workers you have. They can house workers of a higher level than they are. Rent is in obsidian. If you have workers and no building you will be renting sleeping quarters after each shift, paid in obby.

There are other buildings planned for development. One of which is creature buildings. This will be out very soon.

Now that you are in the game, it will give you a starter amount of resources.

Let's explore the in game tokens.

  1. Food. Food is required by the worker owner when resting any worker. The amount of food is related to the level of worker you are resting. It is produced in game when a worker works a shift in a food building. This is your most used resource if you have lots of workers.
  2. Energy. Energy is used in upgrades and resource building rentals. The amount of energy is associated with the level of upgrade or building rental. It is produced in game when a worker works a shift in an energy building. Energy is also used by the residential building owner to rest a worker.
  3. Building materials. Building materials are used in all upgrades and for resource building rental. This is the resource that is used most if you have buildings.
  4. Obsidian (Obby). Obby is the main in game coin. Every resource in game can swap directly for obby at a static rate for each.

For resource buildings the building owner gets the resource, pays the worker in obby.

For residential building the building owner rents it for obby, using energy. The worker pays the building owner in obby.

The resources you get in the beginning can be used however you want. Be smart about it. I suggest only initiating one thing at a time until you see how it works. If you do run out of resources before earning more (you won't if you plan) you can always swap wax tokens for the NOVO token on Alcor Exchange.

Chart pulled from Alcor Exchange. . It's nice right?

Alcor Exchange is super easy to use. You just login with your wax wallet using the "connect wallet" button and bam, done. No verifying this or that.

Once you have some NOVO tokens you can add them into the game using the big gold coin in the top right corner. Go to "deposit Novo". From there you can convert them seamlessly into obby for game use.

That should get you into game and a fair understanding of what you're doing. Tomorrow, I'll dive into the control of game.


All images approved for use in this post by the Novopangea dev team at

Written by Michael David
Co-founder of #thealliance and loyal since before the egg.





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