Ethereum Classic Is Coming to Coinbase

treasure map drawn by @srivera

Here is Another Hint To Figuring Out The Abundance Map

Crypto is just one big giant abundance puzzle ready to be solved. There's a map full of hints and clues, to find treasures, profitable investments, and opportunities.

There are investment opportunities for everyone with internet access, and some time.

Today's Clue Has to do With Ethereum Classic


That green 10.81% means that the coin has grown in value. This is a great thing, especially because Bitcoin is having a red day. I have to admit though, its hard to call it a "bull run" even though it technically is. It has been worth more than it is now in just the last few days.

The clue has more to do with Coinbase, than it does with Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Coinbase will be listing ETC on its website

Coinbase is the newbie beginner go to place to start investing in crypto. People who don't know anything about crypto except bitcoin, know nothing about exchanges except Coinbase.

This means that the everyday people who hear about crypto can now easily purchase ETC with their bank account or debit card. On Coinbase you can buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum and after August 7 ETC.

To me this means that the value of the coin is going to be that much higher, because now whenever you want to cash out your ETC, you can click a button and have it in your bank account (only if you store it on Coinbase, if you store it elsewhere, you have to transfer to Coinbase first).

I am patiently waiting for the day when I can easily move steem that way.

The whispers have been around for a while but a date is now set for having ETC be availble

Do you think Im right about the price of ETC soaring soon? Do you think that Coinbase is big enough to make a difference? I sure hope I am right.

Proof Of Weak Hands Is Now on the Ethereum Classic Network

Recently I wrote about P3D and how awesome I think it is. Now I am excited that the same game is getting played on a similar network.

P3C is the ETC version of P3D on the ETH network. I am so happy it exists. I know that there are no guarantees in crypto and in life, and I understand that not everyone will profit - but I can't but feel psychic about the value of ETC growing and the value of the P3C network helping me grow financially.

Let's hope Im right! If not, I still have steemit - my very first love.

*This post contains affiliate links. I was not paid to write this post, but I will receive a commission if you join Coinbase or P3C through my links.


images and graphics used are mine and compiled together using Canva or simply uploaded from my phone. except the banners which are used with the permission of the community who they were created for

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