LEOPEDIA - Leofinance Crypto Education For You [LEO&HODL Contest]

I'm having the exact feeling I had when I first learnt about an old product of the Leoverse during one of the LEO&HODL Contest, I was so surprised that such a product exist and I mean, the product LEOFI... The lending leofinance platform, if you had missed the information, you can check it out by reading the last entries of the last contest edition to be surprised too.

And just some hours ago, I found out about another amazing platform owned by the Leofinance and I so wonder why this particular one isn't popular because it has all the features to be popular in the Leoverse and across Hive especially among newbies but no, it isn't.

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You're about to find that out too... LEOPEDIA - The Leofinance cryptocurrency education that you need for yourself and any person you would be onboarding to the platform. I've explored the site and I'm wowed that such really exist, I mean, I keep finding cool things about Leofinance and how much work they've put into this project.

The platform have exist for two years now as it was created in the year 2020, a platform that was intended to help anyone understand better terms that would normally be hard to take in especially as a newbie and it also gives step to step guides on so many aspects of Hive that even myself who has been on the platform for more than a year don't know the process haha.

You'll see a few of them at the end of this post but first, let me share something about this with you first...

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Are you struggling with getting involved with the Leofinance community?

I mean I think I've heard that more than I have heard of bad news in a month haha (just kidding). Even I was once there where I saw the Leofinance users as superheroes because of how consistent and supportive they are about the Leoverse. You can be one too! It's just a matter of you taking time out to visit Leopedia like you visit Wikipedia or encyclopedia to do research on things you know nothing but you're interested in.

I am particularly recommending this platform to the newbies who recently joined Hive and also to those who have been on Hive for a while but didn't or haven't been using this platform in the way it should be (making it not popular)... For your crypto journey on Hive especially in the Leofinance community, you need to add Leopedia to your list of exploration to growing and having a smoother journey.

I mean, it has a lot of guides you'll need and that includes ways to invest too (who doesn't want to know how to invest in new promising projects?)

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This platform is super easy to navigate through, I mean it was created to make things easy for so it has got to be easy to use. But anyways, I'll share a few steps you need to get into that unpopular but real world... LEOPEDIA


Firstly, visit Leopedia and you don't have to sign in anywhere since you're there to just learn stuffs and get back to your account and make use of what you learnt.


Once you're in, you can begin your exploration immediately without any hurdles and the creator made it easy for you by putting the educating guides in categories which you see listed there.

  • Blockchain
  • Bitcoin
  • Hive
  • Tutorials

You know what you need to learn at a particular time, you go for it.


You can also click on the three lines at the top right of your screen to explore other areas in the platform which you may find cool too. Some of the topics you'll find in Leopedia are...

  • Explore Wrapped LEO (wLEO)
  • Complete Guide to Wrapped HIVE on UniswapBlockFi
  • Review: Bitcoin and Crypto-Backed Loans
  • What is Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC)?
  • How Much Bitcoin Should I Own?

There are more of them but I'm choosing to let you go explore the platform yourself and educate yourself on those topics our in there for free!

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Even as awesome as that idea of the platform is, I can't help but say it is so outdated... Well, the reason is obvious... Not so many knows or make use of Leopedia and so not much attention is given to it anymore which I think it shouldn't be so.

Like I said, the platform was created 2years ago and those guides and topics I found there are mostly from two years ago so my suggestions are...

  • Recent topics and guides be added to the tutorials category
  • New categories should be added like (Microblogging - Leo threads)
  • A huge contest to bring it to popularity again won't be a bad idea
  • Old Hivers should make use of it for their new friends they brought into Hive for growth investment

These are just a few suggestions I could come up with but I'm very sure the team behind it would do even more amazing if they get back to update the project. But for now, you could go explore what Leofinance came up with because I think it is super cool.

This is my entry to the LEO&HODL Contest and I'll like to invite @hopestylist @otuyanancy and @balikis95 to join in although it's past deadline already, you guys could just go check out the platform 😊

Images used in the designs were taken from Leofinance assets on discord
Screenshots were made from Leopedia site
Leoglossary links were taken from leoglossary


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