A Mother-Daughter Relationship And The Hair Tradition

I took it upon myself to share my mother-daughter relationship too even though I was one of those who get jealous of others as I didn't get the chance to grow with my mum around. It wasn't so bad of an experience without mum as dad did an amazing job but lately, I've been feeling very grateful I have my mum at a very close distance and can talk to her about almost anything.

Our relationship may not had been the most amazing but we are the best for ourselves and that brings me to our family tradition that seem to be keeping us together even when we're far away from each other.


This is my mum, a photo I cherish so much as she doesn't take much pictures until she's actually compelled to. One sweet fact?! I'm an almost perfect resemblance of my mum. When I say, resemblance, I mean in almost everything about her, I took after all.

From my mother's family's lineage, the daughters seem to be taking much from their mothers and it is same for me. I look like her, I have her hair type, I act like her sometimes and I have a few of her personalities. Sometimes, I begin to wonder if these resemblance aren't too much for me to get from her.

Sadly, I can't find a picture I took with my mum so you should feel honoured to see this rare photo of my mum and I getting set for shopping some months ago.

A rare photo of a mother & her daughter lol

It's a rare photo because it marked the day I discovered more things I naturally copied from her, she has so much compassion for people and sometimes I even envy her about this virtue. She'd never come across anyone in need and not help out if she's in a position to do so.

I didn't grow up with her and that seem to make me have so much to learn from being with her now. For all the time I spend with her, I learn something new but a lot of what I have gotten from her were more of inheritance. Her body stature, her hair type, her sense of humour, and her jovial personality.

To be more focused on one of the things I got from her, it's her hair. I know you'd be wondering why her hair is cut in the first picture. That is just her after feeling like she was tired of the many hair and wanted something short and fresher. Mum has a shorter hair now because she started to grow it again but I still have my long hairs.

A regular photo of the family's hair tradition

My mother's side family have one thing in common which is passed down to each generation... Lengthy or full hair. My sister and I didn't fail to inherit this from my mum too so I guess our kids will continue the lineage hehe. To perfect this tradition, most of my mother's side family knows how to make or style hair, it's really fascinating.

Mum and I are usually referred to as sisters whenever we go out together to tell you the extent of our resemblance. I'm still getting close to mum to fill up the spaces she left when she first left us. No, I'm not angry at her about it anymore, I just wished things were different and so I try my best to make every moment with her memorable.

So that's it for this week's prompt in collaboration with the #Aprilinleo prompt of the day and you're invited to join in, I would be glad to read more entries.

All images used are mine

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