Do You Even Weapons Training? | Splinterlands #380

Weapons Training ability is one of the most refreshing things to be released in splinterlands over the past year. This ability allows a monster with the Weapons Training ability to give an adjacent no-attack monster, half of its attack type and power. In this post, we'll explore the best ways to use Weapons Training, discuss the standout monsters with this ability, and dive into some tactical synergies that can give you that extra edge in battles.

Understanding Weapons Training

As mentioned above, the Weapons Training ability allows a monster to give adjacent no-attack monsters, attack type and power. For example, if a Weapons Trainer has 4 magic attack, an adjacent no-attack monster will receive 2 magic attack. However, it's important to note that the attack does not persist if the Weapons Training ability monster dies, so positioning and protection play a huge factor.

Key Monsters with Weapons Training

*Please note these are the only monsters I have played with at a respectable level. While the other Weapons Training monsters are good within their right, I don't have them at a decent level worth trying.

Kulu Mastermind (Water)



This monster stands out due to its high attack, high speed, and high health. It works very well with Baakjira! With Kulu Mastermind positioned behind Baakjira, you get a high-health tank and its buffs/debuff abilities but now it also gains three melee attacks thanks to Kulu's Weapon Training ability.

Aves Sturgis (Life)



Aves magic-based Weapons Training pairs well with cards like Pelacor Conjurer, turning an already fast no-attack monster into an active threat with magic damage. The addition of magic damage that bypasses armor is invaluable, especially when dealing with heavily armored opponents. It's a great way to diversify your attack types without sacrificing your team's overall defence. Another great benefit is that Aves can have two adjacent no-attack monsters positioned beside it and provide them both with magic damage.

Ava the Undaunted (Earth)



Ava the Undaunted is a range-based Weapons Training monster. When paired with the Earth's no-attack unit, Thane Newsong, you get a high-health monster in the backline that can buff melee monsters with extra damage and health and also gains range attack.

Weapons Training Strategies

No-Attack Tank

As discussed above, the strategy involves placing your Weapons Trainer adjacent to a high-health/high-armor no-attack tank. For example, Baakjira, when paired with Kulu Mastermind. This approach allows you to maintain a strong defensive core while dealing extra damage thanks to Weapons Training.

Maximizing Reach

Weapons Training isn't limited to traditional tank positions. Pairing Weapons Training with summoners like Possibilus the Wise which provides all monsters the Reach ability, can enable no-attack monsters to attack from 2nd position in battle.

Concluding Thoughts

This past season in splinterlands, I have been using Weapons Training more and more. I love being able to get extra utility from no-attack monsters and turning them into a devastating force either leading from the front or the backline.


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