Trouble in River City....OK...Time for a rant about "social services."

Riverside County (CA) where Riverside, CA is located (near San Bernadino County in the so-called "inland empire") is in trouble again for the malpractice of their "social services" department. Their fuhrer, Susan von Zabern, is no longer director of the Department of Public Social Services. There seems to be plenty of good reason for that.

Let me reference this article which highlights two very depressing (and disgusting) case mega-failures where social services did NOTHING to prevent obvious cases of ongoing abuse--one leading to the death of a toddler, the other to the impregnation of a 13-year-old by a live-in boyfriend. In both cases, the abuse was obvious, and the result of the departments internal issues, disastrous:

Now, before you say, "Wait, you want more social service intervention?" No. I have argued before that I want NO SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENTS run by government. Now, let me first state, categorically, that I know we can't go back there (pre-"social services") right now. Society and the churches are in such a mess (and so distanced from the truth, from God, and from His rules for proper civilized society) that to eliminate government social services departments right now, would be a horrific idea.

HOWEVER, it should be our ideal. So many people in the two generations since mine seem not to even know that there was a time when we had no government intervention in families and homes. Were things perfect? NO...but they were better. Why? Because the universal moral ethic was so much stronger than now. When God (and godliness) were still emphasized in our churches, our public square, and in our schools, we had so many fewer people capable (or able to risk) of harming people (especially children and women) the way they are routinely mistreated today-- often by the very people PAID BY THE TAXPAYER OR THE PARISH to ensure the safety and well-being of those abused.

Also, when the federal/state and local taxes were much lower (i.e. there was ZERO federal income tax just over 100 years ago) people could afford to be helpful and philanthropic. Neighbors were expected to (and did) help neighbors. Churches and schools were supported by the people, and used their authority and resources to take care of many of the "social services" cases of their times. It sounds like a whole different world to today, I know.... BECAUSE IT WAS. I often have people like myself (the over-50 crowd) tell me the same thing..i.e. that they literally do not even recognize the country we grew up in anymore. ALL OF THAT has to do with the state assuming (and, sadly, being forced to assume) the role of the church and the moral nuclear family of yesteryear.

Can we ever go back? I honestly don't know. At this point I would have to say no, and that only a miracle can save us from ourselves. We have become the most spoiled, lazy, godless, entitled people on the planet--and at least since the time of the Roman orgies. What will it take?

Easy. Two things:

  1. Genuine, fervent and constant prayer and beseeching God for forgiveness.
  2. A major revival springing from that.

What will probably precede that?:

Sadly, PROBABLY A MAJOR SOCIETAL COLLAPSE sparked by a severe economic depression, pandemic, military invasion or civil war. Otherwise, there is no reason for the average American to leave the couch, except for a beer or a fresh bag of chips.


(...and keep an eye on this current hurricane. It may be a spark plug...engineered or not...)

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