The hard, ongoing reality of "smoke & mirrors" politics. FOREIGN POLICY, NWO-STYLE, still rules.

I've written before that I absolutely agree with much of our current President's rhetoric. It's in the area of foreign affairs where he is mostly obviously still under the thumb of the RINOs and Neocons that surround him, though. The Ron Paul Institute has an excellent article out about these influences and how they surround not just the President, but all of us who yearn for a Washingtonian foreign policy stance.

Here is that link:

Here is a key excerpt from the above-referenced link:

"The US Senate has just passed Trump’s mammoth military spending increase by a landslide 92–8 vote. The eight senators who voted “nay”? Seven Republicans, and Independent Bernie Sanders. Every single Democrat supported the most bloated war budget since the height of the Iraq war. Rather than doing everything they can to weaken the potential damage that can be done by a president they’ve been assuring us is a dangerous hybrid of equal parts Benedict Arnold and Adolf Hitler, they’ve been actively increasing his power as Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military force the world has ever seen."

Yes! Doesn't anyone else see the contradiction in this vote?? I thought Democrats were supposed to be the party of Actually, though, the truth is, until the Bush Crime family came along and began their dominance of the White House, the Democrats have been responsible for pushing us into every major conflict since World War I. Most of these conflicts were expressly and obviously against the known will of the vast majority of the American people. So, in every instance, the Democrats (and their neocon allies in the RINO rump of the "Republican" Party) were also responsible for a major staged event or outright false flag event in the desire to force the American people to go along.

In World War I it was Woodrow Wilson with the sinking of the "Lusitania" that was secretly ferrying hundreds of tons of contraband war material to England. In World War II, it was FDR goading the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor by cutting off oil supplies, and allowing thousands to die even though we had broken the Japanese codes and knew they were about to attack. The list goes on, and on, and on...and could, itself, be a subject of another article.

Suffice it to say that there is still an awful lot of hocus pocus and smoke and mirrors under the Trump Administration when it comes to foreign policy. Hardcore neocons like Mike Pompeo are still really running the show, backed by his policy-wonk and globalist buddies at the Council on Foreign Relations. The President can have all the wonderful triumphs with the economy, trade policy, reduction of eco-terrorist regulations, etc., etc., that he wants, but if the nation is eventually dragged kicking and screaming into another major conflict that results in WW III, it will all have been for nought.

We need CONGRESS to be filled with TRUE MAGA types who understand fair-handed foreign policy. We need the neocons and RINOs to be banished to the DemonRAT Party where they truly belong anyway. We need Congress, then, to get out of the fundraising business and to do it's job as the only true and proper foreign policy-creating-and-enacting deliberative body in America, and we need all the Rockefeller-founded-and-funded think tanks that have usurped that role to have their charters yanked and to be shut down.

Until then, the American people will remain in the dark as to what is really happening, and their sons and daughters will remain nothing but cannon fodder for the New World Order. "Make America Great Again" MUST INCLUDE restoring the REPUBLIC, ending the EMPIRE, avoiding foreign entanglements, and bringing our troops home to protect our own borders for a change.

Until then, the rest is all smoke and mirrors, and fine rhetoric.

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