Geesh...even my mechanic gets it now. They are waking up out there, people. DO WE HAVE ENOUGH TIME, though?

I live 15 miles from any sort of what you might call a "business" way out in the sticks. So, when we do "go to town" we usually have to plan ahead pretty carefully what we are going for, and what we are buying, etc. One thing that sometimes keeps me in town is the need to have my vehicles worked on. Sadly, it was time to throw my obligatory $700-800 at my mechanic friend's in downtown Houlton.

He has a nice little sitting area now, for people like me, complete with Faux News and wi fi. So, I didn't lose much "time" at least while waiting (a total of ten hours the past two days) in order to get one of my vehicles back into "inspectable" shape. We had some nice chats as he is now about my age, and doesn't get his hands personally as dirty as he used to, and the phones are always hopping, and he is the perfect "front" man (people-friendly) guy for the shop.

Anyway, we were talking about the deplorable situation surrounding the Kavanaugh nomination today and his "Anita Hill" moment, and also about Tim Allen's awesome thoughts about the now-infamous fake weatherman Youtube where the guy is bent over in the wind "fighting the storm" while two teenage kids go strolling by in the background like it's a day in the park. Then we got on to Congress, and he told me about this:

Most of my friends know that I am very tuned in to what is going on in politics, inside and outside the swamp, but somehow this story got by me. Did you all know for the past 2+ years that sitting Congressman are required to work the phones, PERSONALLY, for thirty hours per week, just fundraising, non-stop, for their next election? I had no idea it had gotten THAT bad. Give a listen to the interview with this former Congressman.

Anybody know where the "Stop Act" got to? I'm not a "60 Minutes" guy, because they often carry fluff stories, but this one is a killer! I did look into the background of the principle..David Jolly...and looks like he is a Scientologist lawyer, who has also been a lobbyist, so not exactly a spotless background. He's also a "Republican" never Trumper, so...

Anyway, it's still unbelievable that there would be this special building where Congressman go to turn into telemarketers and where their "scores" are kept on board in a hallway. I wonder how it is, that this hasn't been a bigger story since April '16 when it aired. Has anything changed? Was Jolly making stuff up, or...?

Here is an excerpt:

"Norah O'Donnell: What has your party said about how members of Congress should raise money?

Rep. Rick Nolan: Well, both parties have told newly elected members of the Congress that they should spend 30 hours a week in the Republican and Democratic call centers across the street from the Congress, dialing for dollars.

Norah O'Donnell: Thirty hours a week?

Rep. Rick Nolan: Thirty hours is what they tell you you should spend. And it's discouraging good people from running for public office. I could give you names of people who've said, "You know, I'd like to go to Washington and help fix problems, but I don't want to go to Washington and become a mid-level telemarketer, dialing for dollars, for crying out loud."

Norah O'Donnell: You're saying members of Congress are becoming like telemarketers?

Rep. Rick Nolan: Well, 30 hours a week, that's a lot of telemarketing. Probably more than most telemarketers do."

(Norah O'Donnell.)

I do like the sound of the "Stop Act." Anybody know if that got anywhere? We definitely need major campaign finance reform, ASAP! Our Congressmen, at least, can't be doing more legislative harm while they are acting in the capacity of telemarketers, but this story just goes to show you that they are not really running things down there in the District of Corruption, and that that is mostly left up to career bureuaRATS like those outed in the "Senior Executive Service," scandal (whose leader was just arrested BY HER BROTHER-- famous patriot former Air Force serviceman, Field McConnell of Able Danger, btw....)

And...if my mechanic is waking up (and many of his customers, it would seem) maybe there is still hope. Time? ...that may be another question.

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