Anomalous Collection : Hadal Core

Nada and Polo have welcomed many new friends into their anomalous home, some sheltering here longer than others. Iteration Selene has requested an away team to collect a number of exotic product the require, for undisclosed purpose. I am just came back from base, so, I am available, no team, just me to accept and complete this order.

The mission location was decided at the same system where my base was, the Neshorga System. I discovered this systme one month ago. It has 5 planet and 1 moon. My base was on Eoul, a paradise planet which I really happy to discovered. So after leaving the Space Anomaly, I did a quick scan from my starship at the space and then acquired the designated planet. The planet called Owendeng, an ocean planet or torrid planet. With the pulse engine, I arrived on the planet in just 35 seconds.

Upon my arrival at Planet Owendeng, I saw a vast area of reddish ocean. It's just feels weird when the ocean is red. I saw a crashed freighter, but it didn't caught my interest to explore it. Luckily, there were a few small island that I can chose as my landing area.

My Exosuit's scanner warned me about the Superheated Air weather. It was 230.2 Degree Celsius! There was black smoke everywhere, which indicated that the surrounding area had an extremely high temperature. It was the hottest temperature on a planet that I have come across so far. Without my extreme temperature module installed on my exorsuit, I cannot imagine my survival would last long. The temperature keep increasing! More that 300 Degree Celsius!

I switched my scanner to Target Sweep Mode and it began to locate the nearest Submerged Relic, which was the source of Hadal Core (my mission's item). I was located 285 units from where I had landed my starship, and I had to dove into the reddish ocean to look for the relic. I only needed 5 Hadal Core

I followed the direction of the estimated location of the relic. It was as if I were swimming in an ocean full of blood. There were biological entities; aquatic species live deep inside the ocean. I dive approximately 7 units deep. The deepest dive I reached so far was 60 units deep, so 7 units was nothing.

The second relic was buried underneath the seabed. It's inside an underground cave beneath the seabed. Terrain Manipulator plays an important role in digging the seabed.

After digging for a while, I finally penetrated the wall of the cave underneath the seabed, and then I saw the Submerged Relic right in front of where I came out.

The Target Sweep Mode's signal was really strong at that time. I don't have to move around and move far away from my starship location above in order to get the Submerged Relic for Hadal Core.

See that white, glowing plant, it was the Oxygen Sac. It can be harvested to replenish Oxygen. Running out of Oxygen will slowly kill me. To continue dive deep into the ocean, I need to keep replenish my oxygen.

It was 30 units deep below the ocean surface. I saw several Oxygen Sac, glowing and calling me wanting to be harvested.

While swimming towards the Submerged Relic, I found a few unique plant. It;s an organis plant called Yolinite, and I just discovered it today! It formation was old bones.

I also discovered this aquatic plant called Nussiite.

I finally found the last Submerged Relic. It was just beside the Iddicite and Wartezum.

Then, I discovered this ancient planlife. It was called T. Washergum, pretty funny name if I read it slowly. It's root structure was unfathomable. It look beautiful, especially because I found it first.

My mission continued. I need to deliver the Hadal Core to a designated place. It was 11 hours of walking to reach the place. Who want that? xD

I fly yo the sky, break the atmosphere of the planet. My purpose was reach the designated place faster, but all of sudden Pirate ship in range and blocked my luminance, which prevented my from pulsed the starship engine.

Three pirate ships came to interfere with my mission.

The cyclotron ballista really come in handy whenever I forgot to bring my resource to charge my shield. But cyclotron ballista can stripped enemies shield charges and refill my shield level.

It was not long until the first pirate ship destroyed!

The second pirate ship destroyed!

and the last pirate ship was destroyed!

I continued my mission, to deliver the Hebal Core at a secure depot.

On the secure depot, I saw a few aliens waiting for me to deliver the core.

I saw this affordable starship, and I grabbed it fast. I used it to return to the Space Anomaly.

What a stunning view. This view was taken when I was still on the planet, on my way to space.

The speed of this starship was not bad. Too bad it's not an S rank starship. I only use it for fun; hopefully no pirate ship attacks me while I am in it because it has no upgrade yet, and I will easily be destroyed by the pirates. I am not planning to upgrade it, I wish I could save my nanites for bigger purposes, such as buying companion slots.

Then, I returned to the Space Anomaly, met the Nexus, sent a report of completion about the mission, and finally received 400 quicksilvers as a daily completion reward. What an adventure I've been through today, it was fun!

That's all for today, if you read this far, thank you so much for your support and attention. Until next adventure in No Man's Sky! Have a nice day. Goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with a black exosuit armor that generated by ToonMe apps.

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