If someone asks you why Apple falls down? What will be your answer? Yes, most people like you would answer that the reason behind reading Apple's bottom is gravity power. Of course, there may be another aspect to see the case of an apple falling from the hand. And that is, the apple fell down because we let it fall down. Well, now I ask you a question. Why do most of us answer the same answer that the apple falls down due to the gravity? Why do not we give the other answer? The reason is that whatever happens around us happens to two types.

Which is in controlWhich is not in control
Make good results in examAccident
Take some specific stepsLosing a loved one
Get sick by eating unhealthy foods and so onBeing sick due to change of weather or area etc.

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  1. From the beginning of our life, we wanted to explain the events that happened to us in the context of our external issues. Because such an explanation will give us a sense of impunity from that event.

  2. For example, when we were children, when we broke a toy while playing with a toy, the answer we gave was "the toy has broken". "The car went after and broke, or the plank hit the wall and broke." Take a careful note of the words we used to use, we kept ourselves completely out of the facts. By doing this, we would have removed attention from an event in such a way that nobody could blame us. Even after Boro, we have been doing exactly this, in different areas of life. For example, when we delay to go, we answer; "I was trapped in traffic. We do not say that I did not leave early and I was late.

  1. Instead of taking responsibility, we control the external issues and blame those that may chill in our control...
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People can be divided into two groups by seeing the reaction of what happens.

  1. The Audience
  2. The Player

The Audience

How can people be called audiences?

  1. The audience is the person who thinks of himself as a victim of an irregular situation.
  2. Audience Those who believe that all events in their lives are due to external issues, people, situations or events.
  3. Audiences always blame the outside of control like their parents, bosses, relatives, etc., not to improve their lives.
  4. The audience thinks that the job market, traffic congestion, the situation of the country, etc. are interrupting his life

The way the audiences are

  1. Whatever happens, I have nothing to do
  2. All negative incidents in life are beyond my control
  3. If I have any problem, I will complain and this is normal
  4. I can blame others for keeping myself out of the problem (The mistake was from my father, my colleague, etc.)
  5. I do not have to take responsibility for anything
  6. I can not do anything when I get stuck in life
  7. It is important that others will think about me

The audience is not a form of personality, it is rather a kind of aspect and decision. How does one view the events that happen in his life and how he solves it, is he an audience?

The-Baby Elephant Syndrome

  1. Usually, the baby elephants are brought to show the game about circus training
  2. The baby handpiece is tied with a small pole or tree with a small chain or rope.
  3. The kidnapper tried to wreck the chain or rope but failed.
    Because he does not have such power.
  4. After a few weeks of unsuccessful attempts, the baby elephant will give up. "I do not have the strength to break this chain."
  5. When the baby elephant accepts that he will not be able to open the chain, he never tries. Even after being grown older, even after being extravagant
  6. There are so many incidents of a circus around the world, where the circus fire and all the animals have survived. But the poor elephants were standing on the ground and mixed with the burning ground. The elephant did not even try. Because he had assumed that "I am not so strong, or it will not happen to me." Or "I can not."
  7. That's the baby elephant syndrome. And ask all of you who are reading this article - ask yourself whether there are "Self-conscious" invisible chains on your feet? "

The Player

Who is the player?

  1. The player is the person who takes responsibility for everything in his life
  2. This does not mean that a player is always guilty himself. Rather, he thinks that whatever is happening to him or any problem, he has the same responsibility as his own
  3. If there is a problem, the players are positive. Keeping the head cool and actively taking steps to solve all of its potentials.
  4. The player wants to see all the things around him positively and act accordingly

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What do the player think of themselves?

  1. I am responsible for my decision
  2. The past can not be changed. But I can make my future better.
  3. My own response to solve my problem
  4. If there is any mistake in my life (Workplace, family, relationships etc.) then I am also responsible for it.
  5. I'll be the person who will take responsibility for myself
  6. I can see everything with the positive attitude
  7. I have to do something to get out of trouble
  8. If I try, I can solve many problems.

This is all for today. Will be back soon with another part. Till then keep fine.

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