Cuando caí en cuenta que era el hombre de la casa / When it dawned on me that I was the man of the house [ESP / ENG]




Buenas horas, continuando pero no en orden pues lo importante es hacerlas, sigo con el reto de publicaciones propuesto por mi estimada amiga @tripode y con la comunidad de @hive-163921, me toca un tema para mi un poco doloroso y es cuando me toco aceptar que ya era adulto.


Good hours, continuing but not in order because the important thing is to do them, I continue with the challenge of publications proposed by my dear friend @tripode and with the community of @hive-163921, I touch a topic for me a little painful and it is when I had to accept that I was already an adult.



Ese golpe llego el 27 de junio del año 2014 un año antes de venirme a la vida militar, cuando mi abuelo despues de 4 infartos consecutivos por la negligencia de su jefe, cae en cama por un dolor de pecho y al necesitar una intervencion quirurgica que supuestamente era simple, no salio de la misma.


That blow came on June 27, 2014 a year before I came to military life, when my grandfather after 4 consecutive heart attacks due to the negligence of his boss, falls into bed for chest pain and needing a surgical intervention that was supposed to be simple, did not come out of it.


La misma era simple, si es verdad pero al no poder pagar los costos completos de la bomba e inflarle el corazón con lo que le iban a hacer no aguanto el preinfarto que le dio en la sala de cirugía y a las 0710 pm recibimos la llamada más dolorosa de mi vida, avisando la muerte de mi abuelo; allí es donde mi vida cambio.

It was simple, yes it is true, but not being able to pay the full cost of the pump and inflate his heart with what they were going to do to him, he could not stand the pre-infarction that gave him in the operating room at 0710 pm we received the most painful call of my life, announcing the death of my grandfather; that is where my life changed.



Con esa llamada mi abuela se puso pálida y soltó muchas lágrimas, mis hermanos menores de 15 años el varón y 11 la hembra se pusieron a llorar terriblemente, mi mama se lanzo al piso a llorar y a mi me tocó tragar grueso y asumir que todo saldría bien, con el apoyo de mi tía se realizaron los pagos pero me tocó cargar los gastos y el peso emocional de la casa.

With that call, my grandmother turned pale and shed many tears, my younger siblings of 15 years the male and 11 years female started to cry terribly, my mother threw herself on the floor to cry, and I had to swallow thickly and assume that everything would be fine, with the support of my aunt payments were made. I had to carry the expenses and the emotional weight of the house.


Tenía ya 23 años y era tiempo, pero con tantas cosas y situaciones adversas y sin contar ya con el apoyo de la persona más influyente de la casa, me toco hacerme el fuerte, quise derrumbarme pero solo una frase pasaba por mi mente, hazlo por ellas y eso hice.


I was already 23 years old, it was time, with so many things and adverse situations and without the support of the most influential person in the house, I had to make myself strong, I wanted to collapse only one phrase passed through my mind, do it for them and that's what I did.



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