[Podcast bits #7] The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes - Kobe Bryant

Podcasts - a double edged sword. Several years ago, when I've discovered them, I was blown away. New information daily, during shopping or commuting. Isn't that awesome? I don't have to read all those loong articles anymore and can spare some time like this. Well, over years, so many cool podcast emerged, my lack of time problem is back. It's hard to listen to them all...If you have the same problem, I'm here for you :)

In these series of posts, I'll be summing up the latest interesting podcasts I've listened to, so you can save up some time for another ones.

The School of Greatness - Lewis Howes

I discovered this guy just lately. Because of his Jake Paul podcast :D Don't hate me, I was doing my research before the KSI vs Logan fights. Also, Jake might be a jerk but whatever, the kid is 21 and smart as fuck. I can't say anything about Lewis Howes tho, he seems to be recognized and has pretty big names on the podcasts regularly. He's a great listener and doesn't interrupt guests talking.

Episode: Kobe Bryant (Mamba Mentality, NBA Championships, and Oscars)

In the episode, The Mamba himself joined Lewis to talk his work mentality, some cool stories from his career, after career thoughts and dangers, potential depression and many more. If was suuuperinteresting to listen to him.

Here are the points from the podcast I've found suuper interesting and motivating:

  • When he was 12 he was the worst scoring guy on the team. There were matches he wouldn't score even one point. Then he started to shoot 2 hours daily extra, each month different position and when he was 14, he was the best on the team.
  • Ever since, he knew his edge is in hard work. Always during the camps, when the team was chatting in the dining room after the dinner, he'd stand up and made sure everyone saw that he's going to do an extra session.
  • When Shaq O'neill got injured in Lakers, manager took Kobe on the side and told him he has to step up the game. He went several matches in a row with 35+ points. As Shaq came back, manager told Kobe to cool it down as Shaq needs to be the main star on the team, otherwise he'll leave..
  • He likes to motivate teammates in a cheeky way. When USA beat Spain in World championship, he made sure all his Lakers Spanish teammates see his medal hanging in the locker room. He asked them if they remember how it felt losing it....and told them they don't want it again, so they better play great tonigt.
  • He watched every single basketball match he played immediately after it ended.
  • Even now when retired, he wakes up at 4am to go to the gym and work out. He partly does it to show and teach his daughter the hard work mentality. She goes always with him and it's their father-daughter time.
  • When they were losing 3-2 in the NBA Finals, after losing the 3rd game, he started laughing in the locker room. When others didn't get how can he laugh at such moment he asked them, how great would they find it in the beginning of the season, if they were only 2 wins away from being champions.

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My current podcasts

On my current to-listen list are these podcasts. If you find here some overlap, you might want to keep an eye on these series :)

Thanks for reading!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [Podcast bits #7] The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes - Kobe Bryant
  2. [Short movie] How angry sock CLOGGED my vacuum cleaner and how I handled the situation like a BOSS! ** soo PROUD of myself **
  3. Beautiful streets of Barcelona and bye-bye Steemit :)
  4. Our soul-soothing trip to Upper Austria + tiny things matter the most :)
  5. They say that dogs copy owner's character, now I BELIEVE this (+ 2 totally CUTE DOG pics :) )
  6. [Funny story] Omani guy finds sports motivation in the middle of Barcelona
  7. [Podcast bits #7] The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes - Kobe Bryant

  8. #cesky version

    Ked som pred par rokmi objavil podcasty, bol som brutalne nadseny - nove informacie priamo do telefonu, hocikde. Pocas nakupovania, sedenia v buse alebo na bajku po ceste do skoly. No po par rokoch som si uvedomil, ze problem s nedostatkom casu sa mi znova vratil, kedze je tych zaujimavych podcastov fakt hrozne vela. A tak som sa rozhodol, ze ak narazim na nieco zaujimave, budem z toho pisat "vycuc". Namiesto dvoch hodin pocuvania Vam tak staci 5 minut citania a aky taky prehlad mate.

    The School of Greatness - Lewis Howes

    Tento podcast som objavil len pred par tyzdnami. Cez jeho epizodu s Jakom Paulom :D Nehejtujte, len som robil vyskum pred KSI vs Logan fajtom :D Jake moze byt hajzel, no ma len 21 a je uultra mudry. O Lewisovi Howesovi neviem fakt nic, no chodia mu do podcastu dost zname osobnosti, takze asi nie je uplne nanic. Paci sa mi, ze vie pocuvat a hosti neprerusuje.

    Epizoda: Kobe Bryant (Mamba Mentalita, NBA a Oscary)

    V tejto epizode prisiel sam Mamba a rozpraval hlavne o jeho motivacii a sportovej mentality, povedal par cool pribehov zo satni, potencialnej depresii po kariere a ine. Fakt to bolo zaujimave.

    Par veci, ktore ma zaujali:

    • Ked mal 12, bol najmenej bodujucim hracom timu Boli zapasy, kedy nedal ani jeden bod. Vtedy zacal trenovat extra 2 hodiny denne, len strielat. Kazdy mesiac len jednu strelu z urcitej pozicie dookola. Ked mal 14bol uz najlepsie skorujucim hracom timu.
    • Odvtedy vedel, ze jeho vyhoda je tvrda praca. Vzdy pocas sustredeni, ked sedel cely tim v jedalni a iba sa rozpraval, on sa zdvihol a odisiel strielat. Ked s nim raz isiel kamos, boli tam do noci, lebo Kobe odmietal odist skor nez jeho kamos.
    • Ked sa Shaq O'neill zranil, trener si zobral Kobeho stranou a povedal mu, ze musi byt lider. V nalsedujucich zapasoch skoroval Kobe vzdy 35+ bodov.Ked sa Shaq vratil, trener povedal Kobemu, aby to stlmil, lebo Shaq potebuje mat pocit, ze je hlavna hviezda timu, inak odide..
    • Rad drzo motivuje spoluhracov. Ked USA porazila spanielov na majstrovstvach sveta, zavesil si zlatu medajlu v Lakers satni tak, aby ju videli vsetci spanieli.Potom im pripomenul, ake nahovno to bolo, ked prehrali a ked to nechcu zazit znova,mali by dnes hrat lepsie.
    • Kazdy jeden zapas svojej kariery videl este v dany vecer na replay cely
    • Aj ked uz kaieru ukoncil, stale vstava o stvrtej rano aby siel do posilnovne a cvicil. Robi to hlavne kvoli svojej dcere, aby jej ukazal tvrdu pracu. Ona chodi s nim a je to ich otec - dcera cas, kedy si buduju spolocny vztah.
    • Ked vo finale NBA prehravali 3-2 na zapasy, po prehre v satni sa brutalne zasal smiat. Ked sa ho pytali, preco sa smeje odpovedal, ze na zaciatku sezony by dal hocico za to, keby vedel, ze mu stacia len dve vyhry a bol by vitazom NBA.

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    Moje aktualne podcasty

    Tu je list podcastov, ktore momentalne pravidelne pocuvam. Ak vas nieco zaujme, tak mi dajte vediet :) Pripadne aj poradte nieco, co pocuvate vy

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