My Effective Studying Techniques in the University

My journey through university taught me effective and efficient studying techniques. University can be very demanding, and finding the right study techniques is a sure way to succeed. As a novice then, I thought that university was like other levels of education where students are guided through on how to study to pass exams and all. It dawned on me when I found out that everyone is only interested in his business, and research is the only answer to any questions.

In order not to be left out, I started developing my own studying approach, and some of the ordinary methods I adopted were simple and helpful. First was making sure I'm actively involved in class and trying to remember the vital areas a lecturer emphasized on. Instead of trying to flip through notes left and right once I return from school and want to read, I try to write down the major areas I need to focus on and learn effectively.

Another technique is reading with friends. From my level one to final, I can't recall going into the exam hall without doing a group reading with my close friends. I love hearing their explanations to topics that look too difficult for me to understand. With each other's contributions, we have so much to write if we see a question related to where we studied.


I can't forget my last year in the university when one of our lecturers came to class just once, and that was when she handed the course outline to us, and that was all. No lecturers, no assignment or test till it was almost a few weeks to the exam. As she reached out to the course rep to inform us she would be coming to class to give us group assignments.

As she stepped into the class, she asked if we had been reading materials using the course outline she gave us as guide, and we all got confused on how she expected us to read the outline without any material. When we made it clear she hadn't given us any materials, she responded we have all we need online, and she did her grouping and left us with the date to submit the group assignment.

The only technique I could employ was using online sources. With my smartphone, I was able to access different materials on the topics she gave to us. I couldn't obviously consume all the information at once, I had to apply microlearning by breaking down my study into shorter periods. That helped me in a long way coupled with other techniques employed.

An anecdote from my secondary school days includes participating in press club activities. These extracurricular activities help refine my overall learning experience and academic growth. Making use of different study techniques is a vital way to one's academic success.

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