Human Innovations and the World

The world is now different from what we hear and read about during the Stone age. The human idea of making great things has been one reason we say the world is advancing. The advancement in technology has been a noticeable difference and that's a plus to innovation. Innovation takes the lead as far as countrys' development is concerned.

Human curiosity is what leads us to trying both the possible and the impossible. The ethical implications of genetic manipulation, A I and self driven cars cannot be sidelined. While genetic manipulation has its benefits, artificial changes in genes of living things can come with negative effects as not all turn out as planned in the future.


Innovation is the bedrock of development in all sectors. Countries that possess innovative capabilities enjoy more stability than those lacking such abilities or ideas. In innovation, ethics are important. Before creating something, it's crucial to weigh the positive and negative effects. This judgment would help in decision making. While these innovations are cool and help humans in our everyday activities, they can also change things in a negative way if care is not taken.

In the aspect of AI, Artificial intelligence is both good and bad in aspects when humans feel they can't creative without A I assistance. The fact that A I has replaced humans in so many industries is a minus for humans' existence. Is like rating the machine more efficient than humans. There is a negative impact of A I in employment opportunities for humans.

If there were no limit to the use of AI in our modern world, I'm afraid to say this, so many individuals would be unemployed. While A I can assist in making industrial tasks efficient by completing automated tasks, decision making should be done solely by humans. With this, effective decision that help in knowing what is right and wrong.


For self driven cars, that sounds great. Everyone will say with a self driven car we are self from traffic jams and reckless driving that result in accidents. But there is an ethical question we need to ask ourselves: what happens when a self-driven car is faced with two choices at the same time? Questions like this is important and necessary to be answered as far as we progress in technological advancement.

Whatever the case maybe, everything still bounces back to balance. There is a need to find balance between innovation and ethics. When we neglect the limit to some things to innovated and ignore ethical judgment, this can lead to a future where these technologies dictate our overall livelihood.

It is very important that we put into mind some ethical judgments that will promote a sustainable existence as far as the world at large is concerned. We need to make some ethical judgments in certain new innovations produced for the aim of development. By setting limits and adhering to ethical rules, innovation can go far.

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