22 April, Earth Day Celebration

According to Nationalgeographic Conservation protects the environment through the responsible use of natural resources.
Preserving our planet is our responsibility and that is one thing today reminds us of. Just like our birthdays, we give ourselves the best treats and celebrate ourselves, it's the same thing with what today is. We are to individually celebrate today by not just making awareness of the need for conservation but also by taking necessary actions. It's one thing for us to learn about what we can do to contribute positively to our planet and it's another thing to practice these things.

They are little efforts we can put to make a positive impact on our planet. We have lots of things that increase the wealth of our different nations. When we say conservation, we simply mean ways of protecting these material resources so that our future generations can be beneficiaries too. When we talk of ways of doing these, there are so many ways we can take both collective and personal actions to see that our earth is being protected.

I'm really so proud of us in Nigeria because we now understand what recycling and reusing mean.

The waste distribution chain begins with a waste producer who places a pickup order that a collector receives. The collector weighs the items at the pickup point and pays the producer accordingly. Next in the chain are the agents, who usually assemble waste from multiple collectors for offtake to the processing point. Source

Just like we already know, recycling is simply when material things that are damaged are being taken back to the industry and they are renewed and turned into new ones instead of trashing them. When things like plastics, iron metals are not recycled, we end up seeing lots of them floating and stocking in dirty water when rain falls.

With recycling, there is no such thing around like before. Seeing things like papers, irons and plastics now is seriously by mistake, there are lots of scavengers out there gathering these things and these efforts help conserve the Earth. Same thing goes with reusing, we have learnt to reuse lots of things this day and that is very applauding. Gone are the days people drink water and kick plastic rubber away like a ball. Currently, just when the water is about to finish, there are already like 5 people asking you for the rubber either for their soap making business, zobo business or oil business among many others.


Another way we can show we care for our planet is by afforestation.
According to Cambridge Afforestation is the action of planting trees on an area of land in order to make a forest. This is one thing we learn and keep relearning in our schools but it's so disheartening that so many Nigerians only understand it as a word but refuse to show it in action. Planting trees is also a way we can celebrate the Earth, just like we finish our dressing and compliment it with matching shoes, that's the same way the Earth needs coverage. I was amazed when I traveled home last two years and heard from my mum that lots of people who own trees now go about cutting them down for money. According to them it's better they enjoyed the money than leave the trees to be a liability.

A statement I never wish I heard, the only thing they lack is proper orientation on the negative effects of deforestation.

The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for Indigenous people. Source

Trees are not liabilities, they are even what help us with the oxygen we breathe. The trees are useful to us as living creatures on Earth, there is a need for governments to initiate a scheme that promotes planting trees in forests and bushes far from our homes. There are lots of ways of conserving our natural resources to make the Earth a healthy place for us.

When we recognize the dangers of some unhealthy actions carried out by man which in turn haunt us negatively, then we know there are needs for us to protect our resources and avoid practices that are not good for our environment.

Although there is still need to keep constant creating awareness because so many know the right thing but refuse to do them. The government has a great role to play in contributing to conservation practices. When we talk of sustainable development, our individual and government efforts can go a long way in making our planet what we expect by simply carrying out the necessary actions and creating public awareness by using different media. As we celebrate our planet today, it is necessary to know that by our daily personal practices towards a sustainable future,we celebrate the Earth daily.






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