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My Adult Life (Good thing & Bad thing)

Greetings, Hive-learners community!


It's another beautiful morning, and I'd like to assume that we're all savoring the freshness. Straight from the desk of HL-community I'll be discussing the chosen topic for the week, which is my adult life, (Good and Bad things).

Childhood age is a blessing because you have the freedom to imagine any dreams you choose. Childhood is a carefree period in which everything is taken care of for you. There's no need to stress over what to eat or drink.

I relished the freedom to dream as a child. I always imagined myself a very successful person. Every day of my childhood, I dreamed big and made large plans for what I wanted to do in the future. First, I had a deep admiration for doctors, which influenced my decision to pursue a career in medicine at the time. But, as we all know, life isn't often as idyllic as youngsters imagine. It was difficult to predict what would happen next at the time, but as time passed, life happened.

Who made it mandatory to grow, anyway? To be honest, if I had the option, I would choose to remain a child for the rest of my life, but that isn't possible. The good news is that I had guardians who were there to look after me and encourage me, so I had complete freedom to become whatever I wanted. As time passed, nature took its course, and I found myself in high school. I set out on my journey to become a medical doctor with the hope that everything would proceed as planned.


Life left its effect on me a few years later when getting into university became an issue. Circumstances forced me to reconsider my decision. So, on the advice of my parents, I re-planned and changed my applied course from medicine and surgery to optometry, with the intention of changing my course after the first year. If you live on the same side of the planet as me, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to university admissions as at then.

I received notification a few months after the entire admissions process that the institution had revealed its admittance list. I was upbeat in my head, so I rushed to look up my name. I was almost frustrated after many rounds of searching for my name on the optometry admissions list, but I chose to look at other course options. To be honest, nothing surprises us nowadays in this side of the world, so when I checked and saw my name on the physics admission list, I merely nodded and recognized that life had just happened. I had the option of waiting until the following year and reapplying, but I declined since I didn't want to be the next in line after watching how admissions dealt with my older brother. So that's how I went from my golden ambition of becoming a medical doctor to a second choice of optometry, and then to becoming a physicist.

I had other dreams as well. As a child, I saw myself with a well-groomed, attractive wife. I even made a marriage timeline for myself. According to the plans my kid self-had for me, I was supposed to graduate from university at 21, obtain a good job, and marry at the age of 28. To be honest, I found myself giggling as soon as I reached this line because 28 is so far gone from me and I'm still not married, or should I say, I haven't even worked out when I'll be married.

You see, I've come a long way in life and am proud of it, but I still have a higher goal to reach, and I'm not going to stop until I do.

One Thing I Wish To Change If I Had The Power
please don't judge me, in fact you can judge me if you want, but if given the power, i will erase my first degree university name from my certificate. simple

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