Blockchain Technology Seminar With @oracle-d At School Of Business & Management Bandung Technology Institute , October 26th 2018

Oracle-d visit to Indonesia really means a lot for me and I am sure for the rest of Indonesia. We do really need more information and education about blockchain technology, not only about how to trade and get free coins. Especially with our economic problems at the moment, I do believe that blockchain technology is the best solution. Blockchain technology will be implemented everywhere around the world that encourage the changes of political economics internationally. Thus, it is very important to really understand about this technology, this is a new history of civilization and we should be part of it. That is also the reason School of Business and Management Bandung Technology Institute will have seminars about Blockchain Technology with @oracle-d in Bandung on October 26th, 2018. We will have @starkerz and @anarcotech as the speakers.


If we learn from history, we can see how science and technology have a great influence toward every changes on our civilization from years to years, centuries to centuries. We can not deny that the development of science and technology also encourage the changes of political economics system, those who has the technology have a better chance to develop and expand. Industrial Revolution, World War 1-2, Cold War, and even up to now, this world continue to compete each other using the benefits of science and technology development. Unfortunately, what has happened can not bring all of us to be more civilize and develop as human being. We all are under controlled and very much depend on the capitalist and government through the centralized system, which implemented in all sectors. There is no true democracy, no true freedom, all are just a game for the tyrants who have power and money to control this centralized system. We are just like a ball on the field that always ready to be kicked by the players to make them win, the spectators happy, and the investors getting richer and richer.

Some or even most of the citizen of this world might not realize what is going on and though they realize it, they have no idea what to do to change the situation and condition.. I have to admit that I've got frustrated as well, I could only learn and analyze it, but I do not know how to change this world. It is so difficult and I think it is impossible, it needs not only efforts but also it will cost a lot of money. The problem is that those who have money might not want to change anything, the changes that happened might be the “Highway to Hell” (AC/DC) for capitalist and corrupts.

Until this world recognize blockchain technology, Satoshi Nakamoto has opened up this world, and blockchain technology become phenomenal that applicable to change the whole system of this world. Every country and businesses in this world could see a good chance to have a real changes in this world which benefit for all. Though some still refuse this technology for some reasons, such as questioning about the existence of government and country, but we can not avoid this technology. Politically, blockchain technology is actually the much better way to achieve the vision of globalization as this world agreed to have more than two decades ago. The difference is that we are going to change the economic system from centralized to decentralized, which will affecting all sectors, and the adaptation of this changes is the most challenging one. To learn and to understand the concept and how to apply blockchain technology, we must try very hard to open our mind and heart which means, we need to change ourselves. It is easier to get stuck with something that we get used too, complaining and criticizing about the situation and condition, begging and asking for solution, but it will not make ourselves develop and really get what we all are looking for, a better world and future.


There are so many things we can do with blockchain technology, and we do really need it. Campus and schools, the young generations should learn and educate themselves about this technology, they have to get used to it. A lot of campus realize about this, New York University has already make an offer major in blockchain technology (, and some campus in Indonesia will also have seminars about blockchain technology with @oracle-d on October. In Bandung, School of Business and Management ITB (SBM ITB) will have Blockchain Technology Seminars with @oracle-d in Bandung on October 26th 2018. As one of leading and prestigious campus in Indonesia, they realize the importance of this technology for today and tomorrow. It will be very helpful to understand about blockchain technology today, instead of being left behind tomorrow.

Thanks to @gerryadiagusta and @bobbychahya who already help me to organize it with Mbak Dina Dellyana, lecturer and incharge for The Greater Hub (incubator programs) at SBM ITB. This event will not only help a lot of Indonesian to understand more about Blockchain technology, but they could also understand how to implement this technology in a lot of sectors. We will not get stuck with the perceptions of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency tradings only, but we wil also understand that we have more advance blockchain technology, such as Steem Blockchain that offers a lot of opportunity to grow and develop together, to reach a better world and future as we all wish for.


Mbak Dina Dellyana, I, and @gerryadiagusta from Kaaba Virtual Reality in front of The Greater Hub SBM-ITB building (

Bandung, September 22nd 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis

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