Tokenizing Another Watercolor

Greetings, fellow sentient beings!

Sharing my new tokenized piece on NFTshowroom. Actually, they are three pieces. Three copies only. Ever. That is thanks to the Tokenization process. Once turned into NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) these artwork copies have their ids on the blockchain and they are trackable and transferable. Like physical paintings.

Like limited prints, they are rare.

Mystwood Published.jpg

Here is the link to Mystwood, The Watercolor Etude:

Minting them has a small cost in SWAP.HIVE which compared to the gas fees on ETH-based platforms makes it easy and cheap for artists to issue their works. And that's a field where we from the Hive blockchain can do some marketing. Sharing these on Twitter, for example, helps people from the crypto art world and collectors not currently on Hive see them. I know I had some hits, hearts, etc. from people out there.

Globally, it's not a small niche, but also it' know, a gateway for people into a space that will give them access to much more.

So, I keep pushing, Poshing, sharing my stuff and although it comes at some cost, it is now quite manageable. Even if that cumulative cost to publish weekly on the platform one day turns into a multimillion-dollar pizza, being part of the process that made it such is a mission worth...well, it's worth it.

There are those who develop, and market, and share much more often. And I hope each shoulder we give counts. For their efforts, I am thankful!

My "Lensy" Photography NFT Gallery:

My "NFTshowroom" Visual Art Gallery:


Manol Donchev

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