Things I learned during my childhood that helping me today

Hello readers,

In our childhood days, we learn so many new things out of curiosity and some of them help us when we grow up and become an adult. Even before a child can learn to talk or walk, he develops curiosity for every new thing he watches and this curiosity often leads him to learn new skills - such as Drawing, cycling, learning to run a computer, phone or other gadgets, fishing, cooking and many other things and these new skillsets often help him in his later stages of life. On the other hand, some children become lazy or grow no interest in learning new things mainly due to rich or bad parenting and as a result, they find it hard in their adulthood to cope with certain tasks and sometimes even create a miserable situation for themselves.

I grew up in a lower middle-class family where both my father and mother used to stay busy with their work life and I grew up seeing them working hard for a good living. Somehow being in this situation in my childhood days has helped me to learn many small and big things that shaped me into a better person in life. In today’s post, I will talk about some of the skills that I learned in my childhood days and which are now helping me in my adulthood life. So without wasting any more time, let us jump right in!



A Kitchen helper

Normally you would not see a male person doing cooking or helping his mother or wife with the process at home but for me, I have learned to cook basic dishes and things related to cooking like how to choose good quality vegetables, fish, meat and other ingredients while marketing, cutting vegetables according to a particular dish, dishwashing etc. during my childhood days, my mother used to work hard and while she was an insurance agent and used to go out for work every day, she also used to cook every day for our family and I become her helping hand with all these tasks. The first skill that I mastered was to go to the local market and choose good quality vegetables and also to bargain and buy them at a lower price. Now this might seen as an easy task but it is certainly not.

It is always important to check vegetables before buying, if they have worms or are ripe inside, if they have been exposed to artificial Colouring or too much pesticides etc and I am very glad at this stage that I can identify them easily and bring home better quality veggies. I am also good at bargaining and this practice often helps to save a buck or 2 with which I could always buy a little More. Now apart from marketing, I also know how to chop or slice them according to different dishes and use our traditional vegetable cutter instead of a Knife or mixer grinder. Though I also know how to cook some basic dishes like Rice, Omelettes, Daal, veggie fries etc I am not very good at them so I don't dare cook until it’s an emergency. I also know how to clean dishes and even today, I help my wife every day with all these kitchen-related tasks and am glad to be a helping hand for her and make her life a little bit easier.



Reading and Writing

The second skill that I learned during my childhood days is reading and writing which is helping me a lot to earn a living in my adulthood. Now, everybody knows how to read or write these days but for me in my childhood days, it became a hobby to read story books and newspapers at a very early age and I also started writing little poems or stories myself later on. Here I want to thank my father who used to read the newspaper on a daily basis and each morning when I woke up, the first thing that I would see was my father enjoying his morning cup of tea and reading the paper. Seeing him daily doing the same task, I also developed the habit of reading newspapers quickly at a very young age and later this habit also encouraged me to read a lot of storybooks and novels, biographies etc.

At a later stage of my life when I joined high school, I started writing stories and poems on my own and even won some prizes for my literature skills. This particular skill set is right now helping me so much to grow in Hive by reading and writing posts on different topics easily and while reading or writing can be boring to many, to me it is still an enjoyable thing. I still read newspapers on online portals to keep me updated about all the things happening in the world but it has become a lost practice in today's generation. Thanks to God mobile and the Internet didn’t occupy my mind when I was in my childhood phase or I would not have learned these things. Nowadays when I see children around me using mobile all day long and not learning anything extra apart from their school syllabus, I feel sad about them and worry about how they will compete with this competitive world in their adulthood phase. In today's time, as adults we should be more careful about our children and also the ones growing around us about what they are actually consuming and learning and should guide them in this early but important life stage so that they can be able to build a better future for themselves.

That’s it for today's readers and I hope you liked reading my post. Let me know your thoughts and memories in the comments below and I’ll be seeing you all in my next post.

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