NFT Games which I play regularly on Hive Chain


Hello readers,

If you are reading this post then most probably you are already interacting on the Hive chain and among the thousand of fellow others with which we interact on this chain mostly via reading and writing blogs and threads while earning L1 and L2 layer tokens for our contributions. But we should be proud because of the spreading of this blockchain netowrk which is now home of a lot of Dapps and not non blog writing projects as well. Many of these are successfully running and by leveraging the fee less transaction benefit, app and services and provide an user-friendly environment secured with decentralised blockchain technology without worrying for any fees to interact on the chain. Among all other areas, gaming related Dapps can also be been building its base on Hive because of all the services this chain provides and one of the most successful project on hive, Splinterlands is a popular game globally. So in today’s post, I will talk about 3 games which I play on Hive chain often and share my experience below. So without further ado, let us jump right in!



The first game that I have to mention here is Of course splinterlands and even today, most of my assets are in this game in form of tokens or Cards. Splinterlands is the reason I stayed with the chain and become a full time blogger and gamer later on so this game is pretty addictive and well paying I can say from my personal experience. I play in Diamond and Champion league and earn decent amount of SPS tokens everyday and also earn more from their tournaments, Glint in-game tokens and from brawls of course.


In-Game Progress

I have been playing this game since its release back in 2018 and thou I couldn’t start big in those for my financial inability, I started writing blogs and buy low level cards with the payout for a long time and and slowly built a max level Deck, which of course is paying me back with a decent passive income and I believe that apart from posting and staking on hive chain, investing in splinterlands and renting your cards or strategically playing with them Can earn you a decent income on the chain and I am a living example.


In-Game Assets

Currently, I have around 7,290$ of NFT cards in splinterlands account and the value has got down a lot recently die to the selling pressure and hive price dip. I also have around 50k SPS in my in-game wallet, I had a bigger chunk but I sold a large part of my stake recently and invested some in cards and rest outside the game. The fallen card prices are saddening my heart because I am and part of this gaming community and hope with the next trend it grabs a good growth and reverse the prices.



The next game that I would like to mention here is Rising Stars and I am playing this game also for a long time now. I haven't invested anything into the game and just to play it for free and sometime invest the earned starbit tokens back into paying more in-game NFTs to increase my stats. It is a idle game available on hive and free to play for anyone so if you are not trying it out, its time for check it out.



As per my current stats in the game, I am playing at level 110 and my current stat is Fans - 7915, Luck - 1271, Skill - 19267 and I come Modifier - 205. I mostly do the bug missions twice a day when I first open my pc and play little ones when I am about to sit for hours. This game is fun where you do music adventure missions and increased different skills and can also buy and hold nfts cards to boost that. You can also unlock many special missions and secret missions as you climb up on the game ladder and finally, as it is free, I just continue play it with thinking to invest anything.



The last game which I am about to share now is Golem Overlord and my personal believe is this is almost a dead game on hive judging from its token price and user engagement. i started playing this game while Back and when it released and quickly after playing the game for some time, I realised there’s nothing interesting about it and thought to revive my money first.



I continue playing and keep selling all my earned tokens to book profit and after a certain time, I somehow reached the required amount though the token price had already started collapsing. When the token price came down and I also recovered my money back marginally, I then started re-investing into the game by using all my in-game earnings and got to this stat so far. I always try to be cautious with loosely made projects and try to jump out even entered, before the mass exits. I have been scammed by one or 2 games before and I learned my lessons and I suggests only invest only enough that you can think you lost already without pain.

I hope you liked reading my post about the hive games that I play on this chain. Tell me your favourite game in the comments below and suggest me if any game that I should Try on hive.

That will be all for today and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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