Happy Earth Day and what we can do for our home platnet

Hello Earthlings,

Happy Earth Day to all of my fellow Earth inhabitants and I hope all of you are enjoying living on the most beautiful planet in the solar system and why not? This Blue planet is giving us all the resources to live and thrive for thousands of years without taking anything back.. though it's another matter that we have destroyed most of these resources for our personal benefit, but still mother nature is kind enough to provide us with whatever is left in it.



Today is April 22 and many don't know that today is celebrated as Earth Day, a day dedicated to the Planet we have been thriving for countless generations and on this day, probably billions of people will come to the streets to talk about protecting environment, reduce pollution, recycle and reuse and plant more trees etc etc. But how many will remember these dialogues tomorrow after having a sound sleep? Is celebrating just one day and talking about Mother Earth enough for what we are already surviving and still ignorant about it? I even feel pity for those who are about to drive their Diesel cars for miles to celebrate Earth day without even realising what they have actually done wrong.

Today, you will be seeing a lot of articles or videos on every social platform making us aware of pollution and environmental health and some generic solutions like planting more trees or don't use plastic bags and I don't want to repeat the same words. Rather, I will try to shed some light on what we, the current living human generation are missing that our ancestors didn't because of the horrific crimes we did to Mother Earth and what can we do to alter the situation.



  • A sky full of Stars When was the last time you noticed the night sky? Have you seen those countless bright stars covering the whole night sky? If you reside near a city or an industrial area, then most probably you will see a dull black sky with only a handful of noticeable stars and even all those are not stars, some of them may be planets or satellites that are reflecting light. However, this was not the case even before some hundreds of years. Thanks to the industrial revolution and money centric global behaviour which has coated our air with so many pollutants that we have lost one of the most magnificent natural screens that mother nature gifted us. But who cares.. let’s enjoy Netflix and chill!



  • A breath of Clear Air I am a mountain lover but I only got fortunate recently to go for a remote mountain trip. My wish was to visit the mountains, enjoy the beautiful nature where I would enjoy watching the Pine trees, and their authentic food, click pictures near the waterfalls and enjoy the cold weather and experience snow if I get fortunate enough. But one thing that I didn't expect but experienced was the clear air when I reached there. The air was smelling so light that I wanted to keep inhaling more and more and it felt just amazing. I was stunned to experience that even taking a breath can be a pleasurable thing because I got used to taking the polluted city air for years and got used to it so much that it became a normal thing for me.



  • Natural Drinking Water About 20 or 25 years ago, when I was still very young in age, we used to drink pond or lake water directly sometimes when there were no tap water sources nearby. Yes, they were drinkable and I am still alive to prove that it wasn't that bad. But would you dare to do this now? Until or unless the natural water resources like ponds or lakes are in remote places and untouched by human civilisation, forget drinking you can't even wash your hands or face because of so much pollution mixed in them. Especially the ones in cities, sub-urban or near industrial areas, you can clearly see the water has lost its natural colour and in many cases will be uninhabitable for fish or other aquatic life.



  • The change in Weather Last but not least, the change in weather is becoming more and more alarming these days. I just read the news recently where the famous city of Dubai has seen heavy rainfall and it caused a sudden flood and took over 10 lives. Dubai is a desert area and no one even in their wildest dreams expected a flood there and it hasn't happened in the last 75 years! Some sources are saying they did cloud seeding to create artificial rainfall but it took a wrong turn and became a natural calamity. I am not sure if this has happened in reality or if the heavy rainfall was an unexpected natural event but anyway, maybe Mother Nature is giving us a signal for what we have done to her. Another case would be the weather we are currently facing or rather surviving in our state. We have been dealing with the warmest summer in the last 65 years with a temperature constant at 43 degrees centigrade and rising. Heatwaves are literally burning us whole and it is becoming impossible for anyone to go outside during daytime. There are also several cases of heat strokes and even a news anchor fainted during a live telecast just today. The heatwaves have refused to go away and there is no slightest sighting of any rainy clouds so far. This wasn't the case even a decade before but with every upcoming year, the heat is rising and making new highs just like our favourite crypto tokens. The only difference here is that we are actually praying for it to go down and not up.



If you are feeling anything similar to what I shared above, maybe it's time for a change. I personally think that We should stop thinking big picture and start making small changes but continue actually. Bringing a reusable cloth bag for shopping instead of taking plastic bags, trying to hold on to our gadgets and apparel until they actually become unusable rather than changing them often to follow fashion, leaving your car at home and taking public transport, turning off electrical devices when not in use, decorate your dried up garden with some new plats and actually water and take care of them, stop using non-recyclable products … we can easily bring these small types of changes without changing our existing lifestyle much and help the environment. Our ancestors gave us a beautiful world to thrive and we should do our part too to keep it that way for the next generation. Let us all be a little more serious about this matter and let's not forget about Earth after April 22.

I hope you like reading my post. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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