My Adult life good or bad thing

Adult is a time when a person is able to make the most important decision of his life. From then on he decides what he will do and what he can do in life. Will power is the most flowing


There were hopes and dreams in my life when I was learning to understand and when I was in school I never thought there would be a time in my life when I would have to emigrate. I had high hopes in my heart when I was studying. Of course I thought maybe after finishing my studies I would get a good job and through that job I will be able to make my family very beautiful and prosperous.

I haven't had much of a sport since I was a child. Say cricket, say football. I didn't like it that much, but yes, I like to play carom board again, and I was very good at this game.

But no one can ever tell when and where the wheel of fortune is in my house. When my father was sick, my dreams seemed to be shattered because I stopped going to school as soon as I got sick and stopped going to school means all my hopes are gone. Dreams began to be shattered. At one point, after a few days, I had to take the helm of the world.

But in fact I never gave up hope that I could not do anything in life I could not fulfill the dreams that I had. Of course I fulfilled many hopes in my life like when I was an adult I thought I would have a good expensive mobile phone TV at home electricity at home In fact, I did it all after I came here and at the same time I have been carrying my whole family in a beautiful way for so many years.

That was my worst aspect of being an adult

The worst part of my life as an adult was that I used to watch a lot of TV, I used to go to the tea shop in my market to watch different kinds of movies, and suddenly one day I got addicted to cigarettes while talking to my friends.

No one from my family really liked it. What would I do if I had to go out with ten people? I had to eat it when I was walking with ten people.

Which was a good thing in adulthood.

I have a lot of love for people, so if someone is in danger in front of my eyes, I can't really be right, I can't control myself, I try to help him in any way I can, even if I can't afford it. I don't see that if someone wants something from me, if I have it, I try my best to give it to him as much as possible, but give him something to comfort his mind.

This is one of the most sought after moments in my life and I never thought that in my life I would be connected to a platform from which I could fulfill more dreams. I did and I consider myself a successful person now.

Anyway friends, I hope you like my words, I can't tell you how they feel, but I'm trying, everyone will be fine, stay healthy, thank you.

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