Making shitload of money quickly!


Do you know those videos on Youtube with titles like: “5 easy ways to build passive income” or “Do this and be successful” or “What does all successful people have in common” etc.

I always kind of expected that after each video I will know the easy way, how to make shitload of money quickly. Surprisingly, that moment never came.

Why though?

We live in a world where it is much easier to get almost everything what you want, and much quicker compared to the past. You want food? Let’s order some! In an hour you have fresh pizza at your doorstep. You want a date? Swipe right and you have it!

So we kind of expect (at least me) to get everything quickly, yet I failed to find a way how to get success, huge passive income stream or possession of well known business brand quickly.

There is a possibility that I simply do not see the obvious way how to get those quickly. However, it is also possible, that those things listed above requires slow processes for getting them.

Money is simply just an idea. The way, how we exchange value. Nothing more, nothing less. If you know how to manage them, you will get the access to more of them. There is no absence of money in this world. They are everywhere. They just didn’t happened to go through my pockets that much. Why? Well, probably I still can learn a lot how to manage them better.

And learning that is a slow process. How do you learn? Well, you formulate the hypothesis and then find a way, how to test that hypothesis as cheaply and as quickly as possible. You learn something, then you formulate new hypothesis based on that learning and you go all over again. This process requires discipline, which is hard to maintain. It also requires a lot of power to fight self-doubts. There is a high chance that you will not find solution for your problem quickly. You may fail 100 times before you finally find it. That is also the number how many times you have to fight that voice in your head which tells you that what you do is stupid. In the end, this is 100th failure in the row and maybe you should stop trying…

Is it easy to fight it? Hell, no! That’s why very few people make it in the end.

Some things are simply hard to do. They require discipline and constant focus especially at the beginning. It gets easier over time though. If you do something for 1000 times, your brain helps you to automate the process. Like driving a car :-)

And finally achieving those things may require patience. Which is something that I am desperately missing.

Thanks for reading.

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