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An introduction to Steemit, communism, and the big picture.....#1

These next few posts may seem unconnected and even wandering off the 'path of relevance' to steemit right now ( i.e. the place we find ourselves in today re flagging wars, neds sell off, of millions of steem yesterday, etc...etc...)

I can assure you that they are very relevant.


This is all one big picture.

I'm gonna present to you a conspiratorial one... (people seem to think I have a natural aptitude for it).
And it is indeed, very dark....
It started with researching various things re the flagging wars currently going on - and has led me to a place to which I have drawn some conclusions....
I will put them down here, whether correct or not.

IF these conclusions and observations are only partially correct, then the flagging wars become irrelevant. They are totally irrelevant in fact... (in the scheme of things...)

I will also present ways to win in a totally corrupt system - for those of us with some degree of integrity.
There is a way short term..(I think...)

My post yesterday has highlighted something to me. Something that I've never noticed before.
A higher IQ has it's advantages. (and many downsides) One of them is increased ability of pattern recognition.
And this pattern recognition 'talent' came into its own yesterday.
More of this in later posts...much more...
(@doomsdaychassis may have some spare seat belt restraints in his workshop - I would suggest you purchase some, as you might need to buckle up on this ride...)

Strangely enough, I feel very optimistic about things now.

Because of the future of steemit? Fuck no...Are you insane?
....but because of the vagueness of this place, and an itch that has existed within me, since I first joined steemit.
Non logical things..
Irritating things. Unanswered things on this system, that I could never quite get the grasp of. This has now become much clearer. This I will share...
I like clarity.

I don't like communists.
It's not that I hate them. Low IQ people who are malleable and easily manipulated by higher IQ sociopaths are victims to evil, as much as anyone else. Serving a darker agenda - unknowingly - is not evil.
The manipulators are evil.

It's strange when you think about it, isn't it?
Most low IQ people I know, are just happy getting on with their lives, and are not political.
Most low IQ people are quite happy with their lot.
They are also some of the nicest - and happiest- people that I know .

....But then add an angry manipulator, (sociopath) into the mix...
It's the resentful commies that I dislike because of the very real danger that their hate offers to the good people of this world.


Lesson #1 in..... 'How to discuss things with those of a low IQ'...

You don't.
There is no point discussing things of logic.
The lower the IQ, the more the emotions control their thought processes.
Emotions are in the now, and stimulated as such...

Higher thought is not in the now, but of tomorrow, and just as importantly - of past.
A large part of thought is pattern recognition. Pattern recognition comes from knowledge.
Acquiring knowledge does not come from an emotional urge.
It comes from higher thought - as an essential and necessary 'data gathering process', to improve the skill of pattern recognition.

Trying to discuss the color 'red' with a blind man, is the equivalence of the low IQ individual trying to compete in the higher IQ realms.. (the right ball park).
Do you blame the blind man for not seeing the color red?
Of course not, you accept that this as the way it is.
You do not blame the low IQ individual for not being able to see what you can see, quite clearly..

The blind man can choose to accept it the way it is or get angry about his lot in life...
And when stuck in the denial of reality? (rather than the acceptance of it).
Then the individual has a very angry life, forever trying to change the reality of his blindness.
Communism, anyone?
They are driven by a rage of 'their lot in life'. (slow burning or otherwise..)

You see, they live in a world where they know (or their genes know, which is probably far more accurate), that they cannot compete with 'higher intelligence' individuals.
Compete for what, though, is the question...?

Access to the gene pool....
..... after eating, and ensuring that you will be alive to see the next day...

It's all about sex .

The rest is theater.

The only answer to optimizing their gene survival (in their genetic logic), is to bring everyone down to their level, so that they can compete.

....So that they increase their access to the gene pool...
Life operates on negative feedback loops, and this is survival we are talking about.
Genetic survival.
The mechanism of survival (negative feedback lops) dictates to the lower IQ groups that to survive, it necessitates bringing others down to their level, not lift everyone up .
(a positive feedback loop..).
Communism, anyone..?
The 'higher up' everything is lifted in society , the further the low IQ'ers feel 'out of their depth'...and the need to deconstruct destroy it..

It is neither 'good' nor 'bad', by the way.... it's just the way it is.

Competition will always exist, and each individual will always try to leverage to their personal advantage, in whatever way they perceive that to be.

I don't think this 'political war' - essentially - has anything to with politics, but much more to do with impregnation and gene replication.
Social systems are just the vehicles with which to achieve the most successful possible outcomes for the various types of genes.

Let's not forget....


Genes were doing their job (replication), millions of years before the first spark of sentience ever appeared in the human being...

So why on earth would you think that your sentience is the boss over your genes?

The very logic you use - to argue against genes being the actual 'driver in the seat' of yourself - have been given to you.... by your genes.


Or to put it another way, if your genes realized that sentience was not a good strategy for replication, do you really that think your genes would allow you to have any sentience?


'Knowing your place', takes on a whole new meaning, doesn't it?.
Humility and the left, are not very good friends....
Egotism is an essential ingredient in the denial of reality.

People who make decisions based on emotional drives, tend to express themselves in a very negative nature - when they are perceived to be ignored or derided .
Or Mocked, for their intellectual weakness. This is a defense mechanism - and weapon - that the more intellectually endowed can use.
'The left can't meme' really starts to to make a lot more sense now in this paradigm, doesn't it?

Anger and outrage is the only _ emotional_ response they have in their arsenal - to try and regain some legitimacy.
Playing the victim is exactly the same dynamic.
This is just a quiet rage.

Low IQ individuals who are unhappy with life, and who face criticism of their positions by people more intelligent than themselves, ('don't be stupid') just causes the spiraling rage to continue...
It's a self feeding mechanism.
The more they are criticized for their positions, (criticized with logical argument), the angrier they get.

With this growing anger, the less able they become, to communicate effectively. To control their emotions.
Thus they are then criticized even more , forever spiraling away from 'logic' and actual reality.
... the angrier they get, the more they are derided.....and on, and on , and on...

Here's a comment in my post from yesterday, as a nice example....
Derision and laughter coming.
So will some low IQ rage, I suppose.
They can't help themselves.
They are blind.
Genes and self survival are the drivers of the vehicle that you call your body...not sentience (that's just your ego, hitching a lift..)


Your opinion is worthless garbage.


A well structured thought out argument..
Rage, anyone? lol.

No one should feel obligated to debate with racists or homophobes....

No one is. You decide to debate. No obligation. To debate under obligation, just makes you spineless.
The fact you are posting here on my blog - debating - will then preclude any further insinuations that I'm neither of these things,....
If you feel obligated to debate me , that just makes you my bitch, doesn't it? You just gave away your power. lolol.

...It just deserves a flag and contempt.

Expressing contempt for other peoles opinions is only projecting a contempt you have within yourself.
It's impossible to express an emotion unless you feel it within yourself.
More worrying....
Pretending to express an emotion either makes you a low IQ liar - and most likely sociopathic and/or psychopathic.

It's like debating religious nuts or people who think the earth is flat, by engaging you we have elevated the status of your stupid opinions to the level of being something worth discussion.

So you are engaging me on my blog, thus elevating my opinions to the level of something worth being discussed.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
(how's that rage fermenting?@elsteemo?)

People are getting flagged for hate speech, it has nothing to do with your political viewpoint. Steemit is not a safe space for hate, it says right on the button when you flag

Hate speech is a subjective concept. Anything can be called hate speech and thus can be censored quite legitimately is what you are saying.
For example - if decided to say "Your opinion is worthless garbage", as hate speech against me and I' offended - that would YOU talking hate speech...

I find it hateful, so it's now hate speech.
Will you now please censor yourself for being a hateful human being?
Does this mean you are now garbage because you spout hate speech? We have already established this to be true - based entirely on your own 'logic'.

(Hows that rage coming along? @elsteemo?lol)

Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. Some common reasons to flag

So you think that entirely subjective opinions of others, are a legitimate reason to take away earnings from other peoples work?
Communism anyone?
(Hows that rage coming along? @elsteemo?lol)

What part of that do you not understand?

You are asking this question, while looking in a mirror I hope.
(Hows that rage coming along? @elsteemo?lol)

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