My Roller Coaster Intro Life Story

My Roller Coaster Intro Life Story


Hello everyone!!! My name is Amanda Marie Cortez-Gamez AKA LuckyDucky0908 and this is my first blog ever since high school. Some people in the DubClub and Splinterlands community that my husband and myself are a part of know me as Puditang's wife, the Salt Queen, and the Bit Lord in some twitch channels lol :D So I decided to make a little blog about myself and introduce myself by putting me at the center for once on a personal level. LOL



All About Me

So… a little bit about my life. Like I mentioned before, my name is Amanda and I'm 34 years old and live in San Antonio, TX with my husband Oscar AKA Puditang and we have lived here in San Antonio for past 6 1/2 years now. We have been married for 7 years strong and now we have a beautiful baby boy named Nicolas Dante Gamez :D My nickname Ducky has been around for a long time(16 years to be exact). The reason I was called Ducky was 2 reasons. One reason was that I love to collect everything ducks. (My kitchen is covered in rubber ducks BTW 😄) The second reason was a coworker of mine when I was 18 years old named me Ducky cause I was just as hyper as the character from the movie The Land Before Time (yup yup yup) and ever since, it stuck to me like glue everywhere I went. I currently work as a Medical Office Coordinator for a Maternal Fetal Medicine Office and Medical Assistant at a Pediatric Specialist Clinic where we help patients that are children that have cancer and are in remission, children with gastro problems, and children needing either brain, spinal, or heart surgeries. Working in Pediatrics has been a huge part of my life and been doing it for now over 9 years and most probably won’t be able to stop anytime soon. 😍



Oscar and I

Now on how both Oscar and I met. We met through mutual friends and we ended up going to a bar that both of us would go to often called AJ's sports bar in Laredo, TX (our hometown). Funny thing about this time, I was only single for only 2 months after being broken up from a relationship of 7 1/2 years and Oscar was only single 1 month (which I had no idea about that at the time). He never planned to meet up with me at all due to being great friends with my ex at the time (which was awkward since my ex and Oscar worked at the same job together too) 😕 But after that one night of chatting, we were inseparable, never miss a day together, and eventually started dating quickly. Like honestly, If you ever heard of love at first sight, our relationship was exactly that. After dating only 2 months, he proposed to me in a swimming pool and I just had to say YES!!!! HE was the ONE for me. ❤️




After our marriage on August 9, 2014, the following year, we decided to move to San Antonio from Laredo to better our lives, to grow ourselves as a whole together, and hopefully grow our family in the future. On a personal level, I had multiple issues with trying to have a baby. I had PCOS which meant both of my ovaries were cover in a cysts which prevented me from getting pregnant. These were really hard times for me personally and emotionally cause honestly, all I ever wanted was a kid to call my own and to have that child with the best person in the world to me. So, while I was waiting for our own baby, Oscar and I decided to get our first pup Bruce on July 2, 2017 and shortly after got our second pup Clark on March 21, 2018. (And yes they are named after Batman and Superman, YES IM A NERD, FIGHT ME, 😆) They have been taking up our lives as our puppy children for a while and they have just been there through my worst during the times of trying to have my own child so I love them so much. They have been so spoiled to the point of sleeping on our King size bed together and every month, they end up getting a Bark Box in the mail. We make it a traditional thing to open it up together which makes it an awesome experience every time since the themes of the boxes are pretty cool. 😄





When we finally decided to go through trials of IVF treatments to try to have our own child, we had done multiple other trials beforehand that unfortunately didn’t go in our favor. This was the hardest part of my life cause during the times of all these IUIs and other ways of trying to have a baby, a lot of our friends around us were getting pregnant at the same time, which honestly, I was extremely happy for them but inside I felt like a failure, like my thoughts of… will I ever become a mother one day were running through my mind all the time.😞 So, after a break for a few months of trying, we did the big move and decided to go IVF. We ended up having 11 embryos in the end and placed one embryo a month later and well…..IT FINALLY WORKED!!!! 😁One of the happiest days of our lives was being told on the phone that we were gonna be parents FINALLY!!!!! So, after 9 months of ups and downs through the pregnancy and the hormones, Nicolas Dante Gamez (our expensive Axie) was born on June 17, 2021!!!! 😆 So you guys know, Nico’s middle name Dante, Oscar named him after his favorite game character’s name on Devil May Cry. (GAMER NERDS, I know 🤣) Now I could say our family is finally complete, but you guys never know…. Could there be another in the future….??? Who knows, but for now……We will enjoy every moment with Nico we can since he is our miracle baby!!!!




This concludes my personal life in a nutshell, next post I’ll chat about my gaming life, how we got our streaming started, and our journey throughout multiple platforms but for now MUCH LOVE and the motto we follow since we have been together is, FRIENDS ARE THE FAMILY YOU CHOOSE!!! Thanks guys!!! ❤️


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