The Earth - A Place To Be Conserved!

The creator of the universe gave humans charge over the earth - to increase, multiply, subdue, replenish and above all care for it. So whether we live or go to the world beyond, we still have a pact with the earth.

. Happy Earth day to everyone. Today, Monday 22nd April is Earth's day and the #aprilinleo topic for today focuses on the Earth.

The planet is a complex unified labyrinth of life. From the oceans to the forests, the deserts to the savannahs, earth is a beautiful tapestry of ecosphere and species. But it is also fragile, and the delicate balance that sustains all life is being threatened by human activity.
The earth which we are supposed to preserve, conserve and care for, we now turn around to hurt, maim, abuse and destroy with no mercy at all. We all are culprits in this act of threatening its existence.

I know you may be wondering how you contribute to this abuse. Here's how;

The moment you engage in indiscriminate dumping of waste instead of taking them to the dump sites where they will be properly managed, you're polluting the earth.

Even as little as throwing away empty plastic bottle of water, mineral and even sausage or biscuit nylon wraps on the road all contribute to pollution.

When rain falls, all these materials flow right into the gutters, waterways, streams, rivers and seas causing blockage to the waterways and pollution.

Burning fossil fuels like natural gas, oil and coal, bush burning and waste burning lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions plus the release of pollutants into the air, water and soil, causing harm to animals and plants
Now that we are in the farming season here, bush burning has become the other of the day. Everyday you see people set fire on farmlands in readiness to cultivate. This destroys habitats, causes soil erosion and desertification and equally contribute to climate change. People believe that this act of bush burning produces ash which can benefit the plants but this is just a misconception that has been from old times, It does nothing of such. Rather the amount of ash produced is small compared to the damage it causes to the earth and harm to people who rely on it for their livelihoods.

We all enjoy eating fish whether it's fresh iced, smoked or barbecue, I love to eat them too. But our need to eat more fish has increased the act of fishing leading to depleted fish stocks all over the world, which negatively impacts the marine ecosphere.

I know you love showers, I do too. So in a bid to enjoy the showering to the fullest, we waste water and more water. Not only in showers, even those who use buckets to bathe do this. Some will use a big bucketful of water and still fetch more. Ah, ah, what are you bathing? 🙄.
Again while in the process of lathering your hands with soap to wash, you allow allow the tap flow leading to water wastage. I won't even talk about those who use a bucket of water to wash just one cloth as if it won't be dirtied again, lol. You may not know but excessive water use can lead to groundwater depletion, scarcity or shortages in some areas, and environmental destruction.

These are just some of the ways we contribute in causing harm to the earth. But be that as it may, there's need for a turn around, a change of behavior towards the earth. We need to protect and preserve the planet and equally conserve the earth. Each of us have a role to play and the time to start is now.

We can start by reducing the quantity of water consumption Take shorter showers, turn off the tap when lathering the plates or your hands, and even brushing your teeth. This will help conserving water and protecting the earth.
For those who garden, consider watering it either early morning or late evening - this will help reduce evaporation..

Please stop littering the environment with harmful waste materials. Take your refuse to designated dump sites and engage in clean up exercises.

Plant trees, more trees and flowers in your environment. Trees especially help absorb the carbon dioxide emissions in the air. Infact a single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year. That's how having trees around us is.

We all know that fish is a healthy and delicious source of protein but we can still enjoy them without depleting fish stocks.
Fishing quotas should be implemented - setting limits on the number of fish to be caught in a given period.
If you must eat fish, then eat sustainably sourced or farmed fishes You can also consider diversifying your diet by eating plant-based proteins like tofu, beans, and nuts, or other alternative seafood.
Here's a little extra you can do that's if you are around the riverine area, and that's supporting marine protected areas so people don't go into indiscriminate fishing.

There's need to reduce energy consumption and the way to it is by investing in renewable source of energy like the solar, wind or hydro power.
If there are electric vehicles in your region, use them including public transport - trains, buses and bikes too. These are great ways to help reduce carbon footprints.
Walk short distances instead of driving or picking a cab, you save money by doing so and equally help reduce traffic.

I believe when we engage in these little but sustainable practices each day, we would be contributing our quota into protecting, preserving and conserving mother earth so we don't have to face her wraths. Be the voice of the earth.

Many thanks for reading, I hope to see you again.

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