RE: RE: Deep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy Theories | 200 HIVE in Prizes
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RE: Deep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy Theories | 200 HIVE in Prizes

RE: Deep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy Theories | 200 HIVE in Prizes

To our friends that this community's output has offended - @mobbs, @acidyo, @lordbutterfly

Fine, ill bite. First of all i am not offended by any of the posts on the trending page. I do not get offended, ever, and i support your right to write even the most outlandish of posts that you want. Sometimes i even have fun reading them.

The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are the new age equivalent of religious fundamentalist thinking.
The pinnacle of unscientific thinking in the modern world. Thats why i oppose them greatly.

There is a huge difference between what a "conspiracy" is and what you guys do.
HUGE difference.
Conspiracies happen all the time. They happen in your work place, they happen within your family, they happen on HIVE. Conspiracy is a name for a very common occurrence.
But what you guys have done is twist even mentioning the word "conspiracy" into having a pejorative connotation.

This is why i find conspiracy theories as being absolutely absurd.

You set a presupposition. "Government is evil and it wants to hurt you". (or something in that line of thinking) Something that is patently absurd. From that point of view you observe the world and align every event with that belief.

"Conspiracy theories" in reality arent really theories, theyre unfounded gossip, and the existence of actual conspiracies doesnt IN ANY WAY support their truthfulness.
Just because conspiracies exist doesnt mean that everything you label as a conspiracy gets a pass.

You guys twisted it and turned everything into presuppositional quackery where you look for information that would in any way support what you already believe beforehand, dismissing everything else.
Its idiotic and youre almost always wrong but because you cry foul to absolutely everything you make a correct guess sometimes.
A broken clock is correct twice a day.

That is what the conspiracy theory community does. That is what you guys are.
You guess shit and hope youre right eventually.
And your list... most of it isnt actually proven, rather just nonsense.

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