Hive Documentary Film PROPOSAL // VOTE

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This is the proposal for a full feature Hive documentary movie.

What this documentary will be:

  • A 65-70 minute full feature documentary film made by an award winning team based in Europe.
  • This will be a story about "crypto" and blockchain in simple terms with focus on "community" by using the "Hive story" as the central core of the documentary. In a sense having our story be the proof of the promise crypto and blockchain are making in a time when scams and meme coins are what the general public perceives crypto as being.

What this documentary will NOT be:

  • This will not be a Hive "shill" piece with the sole goal of making the Hive community feel good. We want to raise the ceiling potential of the film.
  • This will not be a revenge piece. There will be no personal attacks nor will the movie
    seek to attack any crypto entities. Coverage of the events will be fair and balanced in
    order for the viewer to form their own opinions while we provide them the relevant information.
  • This will not be a "technical" documentary. Topics will be covered in easily understood
    language with the focus on easily understood concepts like: "self determination, freedom from centralized control, power of community, struggle against oppression, etc.;" while placing those ideals in opposition to the current social media giants like Facebook and financial entities.
    (Why would you want to be in crypto? What do these people want to achieve? Do I want to be a part of that? Are those ideals positive?)


  • This film will be entered into documentary film festivals across Europe with the ultimate goal of being accepted into the international Oscar qualifying documentary film festivals like Berlinale and IDFA.
  • This film will be offered to streaming giants like Netflix and other smaller networks.
  • Getting major crypto personalities from other projects to do an interview for the movie in order to increase audience potential.
    For that reason the story must be broader than just Hive.

This proposal has been discussed with a few dozen individuals, large investors, witnesses, community leaders, already on Hive in order to determine a sort of consensus over what path the movie should take. Some community members like @theycallmedan, @starkerz, @yabapmatt, in case this proposal is approved, have shown interest in speaking roles. We will need around 7 people to interview for the documentary.

The current documentary brief (subject to change)...(

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...has been adjusted to input changes based on various concerns. I want to stress that a lot of things are subject to change during the script writing phase in order to align with the community response. The core "DO OR DO NOT" will mainly remain as is stated above because we want to create a piece of content that:

  1. Is not niche
  2. Does not cater only being of interest to a small group of people here. We want to make the potential audience as big as possible.


I want to answer some questions right away that creeped up during my discussions prior to the proposal launch and present the content of the proposal in this manner:

  • Justin Sun stole money from our community and from my point of view committed reprehensible actions and is a criminal. We can use this movie to get back at him. Will you do that?

No. This documentary will not be a revenge piece nor will it dilute the message to "Good VS Evil" but rather pin ideologies against each other.
Events will be covered fairly but there will be no instances where anything in this film can be construed as slander or personal attack.
The story will cover the ideological clash not only in the Hive event but a clash in ideologies in the broader crypto vs mainstream sense.
The lawsuits between community members and Justin Sun will be what provides a conclusion on criminality, if there is any, not this documentary. We will only present events while focusing on the philosophical.

  • Hive has developed relationships with exchanges like Binance and Huobi and has valuable trading pairs there. Will you be portraying Binance and Huobi as being complicit to the Steem takeover?

We will not. This documentary will in a way pay tribute to the Hive community, attempt to provide value, portray Hive as the ultimate embodiment of crypto ideals, not burn bridges or hurt Hive current position in the market. Going that route would be in complete opposition to what we want to achieve.
Since a large part of the documentary will speak about crypto in general and philosophy behind it, Changpeng Zhao of Binance will be contacted for an interview as well to speak on those topics.
We want to build bridges, not burn them. New strong relationships are worth more than basic emotional satisfaction.

  • Can we get Morgan Freeman to narrate the film?

No we cannot. :)
The film will be professionally narrated but since we have a tight budget to adhere to, all cost will be reduced to a minimum as per agreement between the proposal maker, @lordbutterfly and the film making team. That means that there will be no unnecessary expenditure like getting renowned names to narrate.

  • Ive heard a few people, even a large crypto influencer, mention a Hollywood style movie potentially being made from the Hive story. Is that something you will be doing as well?

Some have mentioned it, yes.
But no, our sole focus right now is making a fact based, general public focused documentary film where we cover core ideals of the crypto space using Hive as the proof of those ideals. Any further work will depend on the results achieved by this film.

  • Who are the people that will actually be making this film?

The team working on this has been deeply introduced into the topic over the last few months. I have provided all the content I could get my hands on. Interviews from @theycallmedan, @brianoflondon, meetings with Justin Sun and Hive witnesses recorded by @ausbitbank, coindesk, cointelegraph, decrypt articles. Coverage from Youtubers (one of whom will be invited to do an interview), coverage on podcasts, etc.

Their CVs contain multiple awards from international festivals across Europe. They have worked on a number of full feature documentaries and movies that were shown in cinema, 100s of international festivals and dozens of different countries around the world from Europe, Africa, South America. They also worked with biggest music stars in the region and on major brand commercials.

I will provide the link to their CVs for anyone interested. This is the main team not counting the additional backing team and assistants.

Director: Jovan Dopudj

Film and sound editing: Aleksandar Milenković, Stefan Filipović, Marko Filipović

Cinematography and camera: Nemanja Stojković

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The Conclusion and the "Why":

Why should you want to support this proposal?
The answer is something everyone needs to find for themselves but from the point of view of someone that has been working on Hive for a while I have to say that this proposal is simply a matter of choosing how ambitious we want to be moving forward.
Projects of Hive market cap have been spending millions on promotions, making ambitious moves, asserting themselves in the crypto and legacy markets.

In 2021, counting the marketing budget approved by the DAO, Hive has spent 30 000 HBD on promotion. And if I'm to be brutally honest, we should be spending between 5-10 million HBD a year.
The work put into spending that money outweighed in monetary value the actual amount spent.

And I know. I was the one doing that work.

Current daily budget of the DAO is 100k HBD a day. Some being spent on things that will probably never be seen by more than a few handfuls of people.

This has a real potential to be seen.

I am not going to sugarcoat this either way. If we want to achieve great things we need to be bold!

In the absolute worst case scenario we have a great piece of content to be shared for decades.

Best case scenario.... we hit our goals.

We would request 70 000 HBD for this proposal.
10 000 HBD a day for 1 week. All excess funds would be returned to the DAO.

Based on other proposals we received for something similar, even from internal teams, that offered to make a Hive "promo" piece about the Hive story, that would basically only appeal to the Hive community, per 10 minutes, this documentary is about 2-3 times cheaper.


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