Are we exposed to Intellectual Property violations?


Hello Hive Community! Today let's talk about Intellectual Property for my entry in #aprilinleo. Intellectual property encompasses Copyright, Patent, Trademark and Trade Secrets. In the digital age, any internet user can download materials such as art, writings and music. In our community, we usually write blogs or share fan arts of games like #splinterlands. These would fall under "Copyright". You may write an article or share your drawing and find it in another site elsewhere posted by another person and claim it as their own. The question now is how do we protect our work?

If you are a content creator then you must understand your rights. Not only to protect your work but also to avoid infringing on the work of others. For example, in my early days of blogging, I copied some texts in wikipedia not understanding that I was violating copyright. There was even a case where images from Playboy were turned into NFTs

If you find your work copied by others then you can send a complaint to the site where it was posted. For example, in Hive this is discussed at length in the TOS.


Other blog sites such as readcash and Publish0x have similar provisions.

This is the simplest solution I can recommend short of consulting a lawyer.

Intellectual Property violations or mostly in our case, Copyright violations may occur whether intentional or not. In either case, you must know your rights and how to enforce it.

Thank you for reading and know your rights!

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