The giant geyser visual and emotional experience

If I have to sum up that whole Geysir experience with one phrase, that would definitely be "one of the most spectacular and one of the most disappointing experiences I had in Iceland".

Why is that, you may ask...

As you will see below, this natural phenomenon is really stunning, I would say breathtaking, especially when that huge sudden burst happens next to you. It shook me up the first time I saw it. It could also be felt as there are tremors and the earth trembles a bit, giving a hint there will be action soon.

The crowds, the tens of busses, constantly dropping groups of tourists and the heavy construction work happening just few hundreds of steps away from the geysers, were the details that were ruining, at least for me, that experience.

It isn't one geyser only, but many. Some are just "calmly" boiling.

It is not safe at all to get close to the big ones, at those boiling temperatures!

Then, some of the bursts, they literally hide the Sun!

Check the silhouettes of the people around it for scale. HUGE!

One of its most impressive moments is the forming of a huge water bubble, the hot air and vapor, coming from the bowels of the earth, slowly add up, until the pressure breaks that bubble.

There are some geyser that have been "modified" by people, this was for the purpose of filming a movie but once the government found out about that, the process was halted. The damage was done though. That below is the geyser in question and it bursts only a coupe of times a year. So logically, no people around it, waiting for the show.

The grandchild of the huge geyser is also here :)

Bye-bye, geyser family.

I hope I meet you again in another season, when everything around is covered in snow and people are indoors, warming their hands around the hot stoves and drinking red wine. :)

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Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!

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