One of my favorite places for long-exposure city photography

Hey, photography lovers, how are you?

Let me present to you today one of my favorite places for long-exposure photography and especially zoom-burst that's sometimes referred as ICM photography too.

This is the area around the fountain in front of the Presidency of Bulgaria, in the capital city of Sofia.

So on the first photos you cold actually see three important buildings in terms of political and history perspective for Bulgaria. The Presidency, on the left-hand side, behind the trees and the fountain, the Council of Ministers in the middle and the old Parliament (also known as The Party House, nothing of fun here, actually that structure is "loaded" with negative sentiment) on the right-hand side of the image.

Speaking from strictly photographical perspective, there are so many variables to play around with, with regards to long-exposure and zoom-burst photography. Let me put up a quick list:

  • the colors and the water jets of the fountain change rapidly
  • there is a boulevard with significant traffic passing by, even at night
  • Moon and stars could change the scene
  • the position of the photographer (a tripod is a must, of course)
  • the exposure time
  • the way the photographer changes the focal length (zooms in and out). This could happen smoothly, or on several steps, thus completely modifying the output scene.

This is quite a pleasant area and I'd say, completely safe at night, even for a simple walk. But of course, none of this images could be achieved without a good camera and a sturdy tripod :D

It would be a pleasure for me to answer any photography-related questions about any of these photos.














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Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!

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