LeoGlossary: Professor (Profession)

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A professor is a postsecondary educator at the college or university level, who may hold a PhD (or EdD in schools and colleges of education) in a specialized academic field and whose teaching and research are focused on that subject area.

Professors often conduct original research and commonly teach undergraduate, professional, or postgraduate courses in their fields of expertise. In universities with graduate schools, professors may mentor and supervise graduate students conducting research for a thesis or dissertation. In many universities, full professors take on senior managerial roles such as leading departments, research teams and institutes, and filling roles such as president, principal or vice-chancellor.

Here are some of the duties and responsibilities of a professor:

  • Teach undergraduate, professional, or postgraduate courses in their field of expertise.
  • Conduct original research and publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals and books.
  • Mentor and supervise graduate students conducting research for a thesis or dissertation.
  • Serve on departmental committees and participate in university governance.
  • Advise students on their academic and career goals.
  • Provide letters of recommendation for students applying to graduate school or jobs.

Professors play a vital role in the academic community. They are responsible for teaching and educating the next generation of scholars and professionals. They also conduct original research that advances knowledge and contributes to society.

History of Professors

The title "professor" has been used in academia since the 11th century, when it was used to refer to a teacher who had mastered a particular subject area. In the early days of universities, professors were typically clergy members who taught religious subjects. However, as universities expanded and began to offer a wider range of courses, professors from all walks of life began to emerge.

Professors have played an important role in the development of higher education throughout history. They have been responsible for teaching and training the next generation of scholars and professionals. They have also conducted research that has advanced knowledge and contributed to society.

The role of the professor has changed over time. In the early days of universities, professors were primarily responsible for teaching. However, as universities became more research-oriented, professors were also expected to conduct original research. Today, most professors are involved in both teaching and research.

The utilization of professors has also changed over time. In the early days of universities, professors were only employed by a small number of elite institutions. However, as higher education became more accessible, professors were hired by a wider range of institutions. Today, professors are employed by universities, colleges, community colleges, and other educational institutions.

Here are some specific examples of the changing role of the professor over time:

  • In the early days of universities, professors were typically male and from wealthy families. -
  • In the early days of universities, professors were primarily responsible for teaching undergraduate students. However, today, many professors also teach graduate students and conduct research.
    = Professors were not expected to publish their research. However, today, publishing research is an important part of a professor's job.
  • In the early days of universities, professors were not expected to be involved in university administration. However, today, many professors serve on departmental committees and participate in university governance.

The role of the professor continues to evolve today. As technology changes and society evolves, professors are finding new ways to teach, conduct research, and contribute to society.


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