Flippening the Hive Rewards Pool Model: LeoAds Revenue Now Displayed on LeoFinance | Tokenomic Growth


Now that project blank is officially in production, we've been grinding on all of the massive changes that were in development for the past 2 years. Many of these changes are surrounding the LEO token economy and the new future that is now possible thanks to Threads.

We've been planning and building this stuff for 2 years now. The goal was always to turn the LEO token economy into a behemoth, generating ad revenue from outside the HIVE Ecosystem and bringing that revenue into the LEO token and thus, the Hive ecosystem as a whole.

So many people are always looking inward on Hive. LeoFinance has always been capable of looking beyond that. Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access. A key part of that is driving value to the LEO token, LEO POWER stakeholder utility, etc.

LeoAds has always been at the core of that vision. If we could generate sufficient page views, we could see massive buybacks of the LEO token through the fully decentralized LeoAds smart contract.

That smart contract would then deploy a new rewards pool on the platform for LEO POWER APY. LEO POWER holders would be able to curate content to earn LEO but also to earn that LeoAds smart contract pool of tokens that are bought from the market.

This drives up built-in demand for the LEO token while also encouraging positive activities on the platform.

We just added something incredible to the UI... something that has been in the works for a very, very, very long time.

Introducing LeoAds View Counters and Revenue Estimations

If you've been on the UI recently, you may have noticed that we now have View Counters next to Threads.

You may have also seen our blog post from a few days ago about the return of LeoFinance's Analytics API.

You can now view the real-time analytics of the entire LeoFinance.io UI and see how we're performing in terms of page views and users here -> https://simpleanalytics.com/leofinance.io.

We also have been working on something massive in the background - integrating the API of our analytics company in order to show view counts next to Threads and Posts.

Showing view counts is something that users have requested for quite some time... but you know what we surprised everyone with?

We now also show the estimated LeoAds revenue. By connecting this view count API and adding in the LeoAds smart contract API calculation, we can now show the approximate ad revenue generated by a Thread/Post.

Note: we've launched this feature for Threads. The feature for Posts will launch VerySoon ™️ after we finish some more tests.

So if you hover over a Thread's view count, you'll now see the approximate revenue it generated in the LeoAds smart contract... incredible!

and yes, for all those who have been asking for years about wen LeoAds, consider this one of the final steps before the launch of the LeoAds buyback contract. It is on the verge of going live. Adding features like this has all been a part of the roadmap before we push that massive change. We're about to see millions of LEO get eaten off the market and deployed into the LEO POWER APY pool.

A Renewed Focus for LEO POWER Holders, LEO Community Members and the Hive Ecosystem

This is a snippet from @taskmaster4450le's blog post about how LeoFinance is all about pageviews now.

He is quite right. The entire community who wants to see LEO succeed now has a clear mission. Wake up every day and ask yourself "how can I increase the views on LeoFinance?"

This can come in both selfish and selfless forms. In a selfish way, increase the views on LeoFinance will make LEO more valuable. If you hold any amount of LEO POWER and are active on the platform and earning more LEO from the rewards pool, this is clearly a benefit for you to be actively trying to enhance.

Many curators have also come out and publicly said that they are going to start monitoring view counts.

They are planning to upvote content creators that generates a lot of views consistently.

This means that focusing on generating more views will:

  1. Make LEO more valuable
  2. Make you earn more LEO and HIVE upvotes

If you see the vision we've laid out here, I hope you get as excited as we are. The LeoAds economy has MASSIVE potential. We are talking about millions of LEO bought from the liquidity pools each year and added to the LEO POWER APY rewards pool.

What's Next?

View Counters on posts are going to get released very soon. Shortly to follow will be the contract officially going live and the buybacks beginning from that automated code.

You'll start to see the rewards pool fill up. Then you'll start to see LEO POWER APY in your wallet.

We are also planning to add new feeds to the UI that allow you to sort content based on views.

This is something that is radically different than we are used to on Hive.

LeoFinance has the potential to bring in tens of thousands of dollars in ad revenue per month now and hundreds of thousands per month in the near future. We're bringing this all into the Hive ecosystem through the LEO token economy.

Having LEO POWER and utilizing it to reward content creators who are generating page views has never been more important.

So follow Task's advice... Look for ways that you can increase page views both for your own benefit in terms of upvotes / LEO but also in terms of driving more value from outside of the Hive ecosystem.

About LeoFinance

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceLeo
Discord: https://discord.gg/E4jePHe
Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.leofinance.io

Our Hive Applications

Join Web3: https://leofinance.io/
Microblog on Hive: https://leofinance.io/threads
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 2.8M HP
Hivestats: https://hivestats.io
LeoDex: https://leodex.io
LeoFi: https://leofi.io
BSC HBD (bHBD): https://wleo.io/hbd-bsc/
BSC HIVE (bHIVE): https://wleo.io/hive-bsc/
Earn 50%+ APR on HIVE/HBD: https://cubdefi.com/farms

Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

CubFinance (BSC): https://cubdefi.com
PolyCUB (Polygon): https://polycub.com
Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO): https://wleo.io

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