Clean Planet Biweekly Contest: My First Community Volunteer Cleaning Service

The first time I went for community service to cleaning around some area, I really didn't find it pleasant at all because in my mind I was like why will I clean someone else trash when they don't even care about it at all. They just dumped it anyhow they see it but I can't complain because nobody force me to be there, I just decided to tag along because of my friend but after we are done and I see how the place look like after cleaning, I did not regret following them.

When we are done cleaning the place, an old woman came out and looked around and said thank you my children, I never know this place can look like this again. I I've shouted many times for people to stop dumping their trash anyhow but they won't listen to me and what can old woman like me do, nothing since I don't have the strength to stop them or clean it up.

I was so touched after hearing what this woman said and I see that my contribution really worth it, it brings joy to my eyes when I see how happy that woman look and I can't stop remembering those moments. That was my first volunteer community service and it really worth it and whenever we are talking among my friend, I always advice them to make sure they contribute to the cleaning of our environment, it's not for those that dirty it, it's for ourselves and those that will benefit from it and make them happy.

Cleaning of our environment is not a waste of time as many called it because some people have said that to me when they saw me doing it and they say why I was doing it. When I explained to them, they laughed at me and said I was just wasting my time because I know it, some people will litter it without minding the effort we put to clean it but I said it's okay, I'm not cleaning it because of them but because what they are doing might cause trouble for others. Their carelessness can damage a lot of things and destroy the life of many other people which I don't want to happen.

This post is for #augustinleo and a response to the Clean Planet Community prompt drafted by @nwothini335

I hereby invite @olamummy, @olajumoke4 and @twicejoy to join this contest.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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