Lake of Bays Brewery

For this #Beersaturday post I'm going to review to beers from Lake of Bays Brewing Company. Let's see how they faired.

On the Hunt


Brewery: Lake of Bays Brewing Co
Origin: Baysville, ON Canada
Style: Italian Style Pilsner
Abv: 4.5%
IBU: 20
Hops: Perle
Best served: 6-8°C. Does this stat really matter? Everyone just grabs the beer from the fridge and cracks it open.


Marketing: Grey and deep forest green color scheme with a prominant Lake of Bays brand logo displayed front and center. Double exposure style image design of a wolf and starry night forest. Nice blurb about the beer on the back with lots of info.


I don't think that the can or it's name matches the style of beer at all. When I think of Italy I don't think of wolves and forests (though I know that they do have forests). The can probably matches the brewery's overall theme and I do like the design a lot nonetheless so points for good marketing. Viewed on its own I actually think that it's a smart and stunning design.


Color: The beer poured as pale a yellow as they come with a lot of carbonated bubbles on top. The liquid was clear with just a slight haziness to it. Scratch that, on second pour the haziness was pronounced, to the point that I would say that the liquid was opaque. Most of the unfiltered part must have settled to the bottom of the can and a lot of the glasses I use can't hold a full beer.


Nose: Very aromatic with a lot of nice fruity notes. Grass, citrus (lemon) and maybe some subtle pineapple coming through. I actually also notice the pear in the background that they mention on the can. All around a very complex and pleasant aroma.

Taste: Sweet and tangy with a nice bitterness in the finish. Well balanced.

Texture: It seemed that a lot of the carbonation was lost in the pour but enough remained to give the beer a nice bubbly texture. Light bodied in my opinion.

Impression: I actually quite liked this beer. It had a lot of aromatics and great flavor. It was interesting without being odd. Clean crisp and refreshing without being boring. A nice beer that I would certainly buy again.

Spark House


Brewery: Lake of Bays Brewing Co
Origin: Baysville, ON Canada (I don't actually know where this town/city is located which makes me think it must be up North).
Style: Red Ale
Abv: 5.0%
IBU: 29
Hops: Magnus, Cascade, Saaz
Best served: 6-9°c (added it again despite its frivolousness)


Marketing: Monochrome red color scheme with the white Lake of Bays brand logo prominently displayed front and center again. Spark house tower imagery. For those that arent familiar, a Spark house is basically a very tall tower in the forest and used as a look out spot for forest Rangers and park staff to watch for wild fires. The marketing and design of the can seems to follow the brewery's great outdoors theme.


A good amount of info on the back of the can as well which is great. I quite like the can overall.


Color: The beer poured a rich copper amber red color with not a lot of head on top. Most of the bubbles dissipated rapidly. The liquid was mostly clear with only a slight haze to it.


Nose: Sweet malt aroma. Not a lot of hops coming through in the nose. Burnt sugar and subtle fruit. Some milk chocolate in the background, which was a welcome surprise for me.

Taste: Sweet malty flavor with a very subtle bitter finish. Grape must and subtle chocolate notes.

Texture: A good amount of carbonation with a medium body mouthfeel.

Impression: Very good beer for me. I like this style and malt forward beers in general. Tasted clean and fresh. Great beer for me.


I drank this while BBQ a pork roast and broccoli.


I really enjoyed both beers so I'm starting to recognize Lake of Bays as a great Brewery that serves a fresh and flavorful product. I'll keep an eye out for more from them on the store shelves.

Thats it everyone. Thanks for stopping by.

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