Reflection About "As You Like It"

**As You like it**

"As You Like It" is written by William Shakespeare. He is the world's greatest dramatist and often called the national poet of England.


This play gained popularity for three reasons. First of all, it is a comedy of love. Love was the main theme throughout the play. And love is a subject that never gets old. This play has the best examples of what is meant by 'love at first sight'.

Rosalind becomes vulnerable to Orlando as he prepares to wrestle. To note that, Rosalind is the Old Duke's daughter and Orlando is the hero of the play. The fact that Orlando is weakened by the sight of Rosalind is evident when he learns of her exploits after going to the Forest of Arden. He wrote Rosalind's name on the tree. And when Oliver was expressing his guilt and his gratitude to Orlando in front of Aliena aka Celia, she fell in love with him in an instant. Oliver also likes the girl so much that he tells Orlando that he wants to marry her.

The second reason for the play's popularity is that none of the characters in the play lost their spirit in their days of sorrow or adversity. They have tried to conquer the sorrow with a smile, taking shelter in the lap of nature.

Shakespeare prompts his audience and readers to judge whether life under the green banyan trees in the lap of nature is better than the hustle and bustle of urban life and the splendor of the royal court. Nature teaches man. He is not as merciless as a selfish person.

The play has become popular for one more reason. The play indirectly conveys a beautiful moral lesson. And it is better to repent, be forgiving, and put an end to enmity than to seek revenge and cherish revenge. So,Oliver finally relents and pulls younger brother Orlando to his chest. Again, Duke Frederick, who once ousted his elder brother and seized his kingdom, and later marched his army towards the forest of Arden to capture him, realized his mistake in the words of the monk and took the initiative to return the kingdom to his elder brother and take up the life of a monk.Thus the story has a 'sweet ending'.

Finally, the naming of the play goes without saying.The literal translation of the name 'As You Like It' means As You Like It. There is disagreement among researchers as to why Shakespeare chose this name.Perhaps the play's epilogue gives some indication of the underlying meaning of the title 'As You Like It'.There Rosalind pointed out to the women, "æl charge you, O women! for the love you bear to men, to like as much as of this play as please you."

Through this quote, the playwright may have meant that various types of life philosophy have been presented through this play- whoever likes can find such kind of life philosophy from within this play.

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