Photo of a fisherman carrying the roof of a house in a small boat

Hi everybody,,?
I hope you are always in good health. Hi dear friends.
Tonight I will share a picture that I took this afternoon, when I came home from a friend's house who lived across the river, when I was in the harbor, I saw a fisherman who was rowing a small canoe with a wooden oar, who was Lifting the roof of a house made of wood. of wood. of wood. of wood. from woven palm leaves (Nypa fruticans). with a roof made of leaves. nipa palm (Nypa fruticans) which thrives on the banks of the river, nipah is a type of palm (palma) that thrives in mangrove areas.
And this is a picture of a fisherman carrying a roof made of palm leaves (Nypa fruticans)







A little explanation about the special roof of the house made of palm leaves (Nypa fruticans). The house will feel cool when we are in it, even though the sun is very hot, in contrast to our houses whose roofs are made of zinc.
But there are drawbacks if we use the roof of the house from nipah leaves (Nypa fruticans), it will not last long. The longest it can last is only two years, if it is two years then we have to replace it, because the roof of the house is made of nipa (Nypa fruticans) will leak, and rainwater will drip into the house. Unlike zinc, which can last up to ten years.
Well,,,, that's a little explanation from me
Hopefully the pictures that I show tonight can entertain all of you who are resting or who are planning a vacation tomorrow, because tomorrow is a holiday,
Namely Imlek (Chinese holiday)

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