The Pleasure Trap Can Make Us Apathetic

A central component to the topic of mind control is the pleasure principle. When we are still automatically and heavily conditioned by this unconscious and subconscious drive and motivation in life, we can come to think (uncritically, unthinkingly really) that the entire purpose for our being -- for our life -- is to have as much fun as we can, as much as is humanly possible while we are alive, and ignoring most (if not all) the suffering that is taking place in the world around us while we are doing that.

When you get down it, this is a pretty bad place to be in. Seeking pleasure, enjoyment and gratification of our senses is not a high goal to have in life. It's a default drive and motivation that doesn't require much thought or personal development. It comes from lower consciousness automated living, not higher consciousness self-examined analysis of what life is about.

Being focused mainly on pleasure, enjoyment and having fun, is like someone who watches a crime being committed in front of them and does absolutely nothing. This is worse than the bystander effect of not getting involved when someone needs help. Maybe you have seen that in your own life?

Those who lived in the 90s might remember the last episode of the show Seinfeld. The punchline was about the 4 main characters who were so unconcerned with others, who only thought about themselves, and ignored the rime being done right in front of them. An overweight person was being robbed, and they just laughed at him.

Worst yet, they even filmed him with a camera. This was before there were cellphones and cameras everywhere. As the episode went on, they were charged with a bystander crime. They were arrested on a duty to rescue violation, where one "party can be held liable for failing to come to the rescue of another party in peril." They went to prison in the end. That was the end of the Seinfeld series.

This show demonstrates an allegory about the pleasure trap and being self-concerned. They were having a laugh, having fun at someone else being robbed, and did nothing. Is this where our species is at? We should take a lesson from this episode and stop to think. Not being compassionate about the suffering of others is a psychopathic modality of living that seems to be pervading much of the history of humanity.

Look at society and see how much time, energy and attention people spend on just having fun and enjoying themselves. Meanwhile they continue to support or participate in perpetuating acts of suffering. This ranges from the wars that we all fund through government, as well the exploitation, enslavement, suffering, harm and violence being done to billions of non-human animals each year when we don't need to for our survival.

The pleasure trap has a hold on the consciousness of most people, while they ignore and deny the suffering in the world around them. Apathy has a hold on us, where we don't care about what is going on around us in the world, as long as we are happy or content in our little bubbles of reality and having fun, enjoying life, etc. We don't want to see. We don't want to know. We don't care because our personal lives are fine, what does it matter how our way of life is affecting others...

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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