Inquilab Zindabad: The Legacy of Bhagat Singh

It has been 90 years since that day when rajguru sukhdev and bhagat singh were martyred today all of us know about bhagat singh but i belivee that he is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented freedom fighter of our country many people put his photo as their profile picture but hardly any of them have tried to understand his opinions ideas and ideologies .


Bron on 28th september 1907 in a small village in punjab bhagat singh was influenced by the prevailing socio political atmosphere his family gave him a strong sense of patriotism and social justice bhagat singh father was affiliated with the arya samaj when bhagat singh shifted to lahore in 1918 at the age of nine he attended the arya samaj run dab school the school was initially established to secure some independence from the british university system lala lajpat rai was among the founders of the national day we college managing committee young bhagat singh grew up listening to tales of valor and sacrifice planting the seeds of his future commitment to india's freedom by the time he reached his youth india was reeling under british oppression the jallianwala bagh massacre & rowlatt act ignited a fire in the hearts of many young indians .

Bhagat singh was one of them he joined the hindustan socialist republican association also know as hsra It was a group of fearless young revolution dedicated to overthrowing british rule with courage in their hearts and a vision of a free india they embraked on a mission that would change the course of history bhagat singh soon realized that passive resistance alone would would not suffice he advocated for a more radical approach a revolution that could shake the foundations of british rule the turning point was the death of lala lajpat rai carrying black flags a large group had assembled in lahore to protest the simon commission the first line of protesters had succumbed to injuries among them was lala lajpat rai his death had sparked outrage and members of the hsra vote to take revenge for his murder .


A month after lala lajpat rai death members of the hsra ambushed and killed assistant superintendent of police j.p saunder as retaliation to lala lajpat rai death the most daring of their actions was the bombing of the legislative assembly the bombs meant to be thrown into the delhi legislative assembly were to be harmless the entire plan was based on a similar plan by a french revolutionary it had given rise to the famous line it takes an explosion to make the deaf hear .

On april 8 1929 bhagat singh and batukeshwar dutt threw to bombs into the chamber of the legislative assembly while it was in session and that shouted inquilab zindabad and down with british imperialism's arrest after this bombing marked a turning point despite facing brutal torture and hardship he stood firm on 10th july 1929 bhagat singh was brought lahore to trailer in the saunder murder case the viceroy lord irwin declared an emergency on 1st may 1930 and introduce an ordinance to setup special tribunal in the prision bhagat singh writing flourished his powerfull essays and letter revealed his beliefs in socialism secularism and the eradication of social inequality bhagat singh resolve had ignited a spark of rebellion that spread like wildfire across the nation .

Whenever you hear the name bhagat singh many of you associate it with words like wepons and violence but did you know that bhagat singh was considered a fierce intellectual of him time his friends said that whatever they saw him he had a book in his hand he had studied british european american russian literature at lenght accroding to some estimates he had read over 250 books before arrested and in the two years he spent in jail he read more then 300 books nit only reading books but bhagat singh was also renowned for this prose for his writing his articles were published in magazined such as kirti akali veer arjun and pratap they were the magazines of that time what i mean to say is that bhagat singh was an intellectual of the highest order but today if you ask somebody to act like bhagat singh they play with their moustaches and fire finger gun but did you know that bhagat singh had said that "bombs and pistols cannot bring revolution the sword is sharpened on thoughts " .


On 7th october 1930 bhagat singh rajgur and sukhdev were sentenced to death no opportunity was given to the accused to even defend themselve the accused were absent from the when the judgement was passed the ordiance by the viceroy to from the special tribunal was never approved by the central assembly or the british parliament it eventually lapsed without any legal or constitutional sanctity in march 23rd 1931 bhagat singh along with rajguru and sukhdev were executed bhagat singh is only 23 years old their remains were brought to lahore and were properly cremated on the banks of the river ravi thousands of people attended the cremation their sacrifice became a clarion call for a united india to rise agaist the british empire .


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