Right to Association

Greetings everyone.

Human rights ensure people in a country live well and express themselves freely. They protect individuals from fear and oppression, allowing them to voice their opinions and live their lives without constraint. By upholding human rights, societies create environments where everyone can thrive and contribute to a better, more inclusive world.

Until last year, I didn't know that there's something like a RIGHT TO ASSOCIATION until I listened to a program on the radio. On that program, I was educated that a man or woman has a right to join or not to join any association, be it in his/her area of professional expertise or not. As it stands, this right is practically violated, and people are being forced to join associations.

Let me make it clear:

Let's say in the field of transportation, there's a group governing and uniting the transportation system in that state or local government to work on a defined pattern. It has subsets; those on motorcycles have theirs, those in tricycles have theirs, and those in motorcars have theirs, and ultimately, they submit to their overall head governing them. The pattern is good because it helps to avoid malfunctions and to check some transportation issues, but the way they force transporters, especially motorcyclists, to join them is unfair. They would patrol the roads, especially targeting new and unfamiliar bikers, bullying them into joining the organization.

In the medical sector, this is rampant, and I often saw how the association terrorizes those practicing medicine who don't want to join the association.

There's a lady in my street who owns a medicine shop; she's a nurse (that's what people call her), and she attends medically to people in bad condition, such as sick people and accident victims. There was a period, up to two weeks, when she didn't open her office, and I thought maybe she traveled out of town, but when I found out when she opened, she told me that it's the medical association of the place that's hunting her down. She was told to close her shop and leave the area because another person is opening a new store nearby, and all this was because she wasn't a member of the association.
She didn't have any option; she had to succumb to their demands and join them with a large sum of money, and she regretted not joining them. Earlier, many times, she had extricated herself from their grasp when they troubled her and locked the shop.

Is it supposed to be like that?

Isn't there freedom of association?

Why is the law not enforced?

I'm not trying to speak badly about my country, but the truth is that we have a very low score when it comes to enforcing such things.
Now, forcing people to join associations is starting to seem normal and no longer an offense. Maybe the country saw that there's a good need for such an association to exist because it'll help straighten things out, which is very correct, and they agreed (without legal attachment to it) to force everyone to be a member. It's very bad!

Thanks for reading.

This is for day 26 of #aprilinleo prompt.
Do well to read the full details here

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