Reading while listening to songs

Greetings everyone 🙌

Back then in school, I lived with a roommate in my second and third years, and this guy was a complete bookworm. He knew how to get glued to his books, reading from day to night, and many times, he would miss going to church on Sunday because he was reading books. Initially, I queried him, especially on the days he didn't go to church because of reading, but in the long run, I found out that he had a low assimilation capacity, which made him spend most of his life reading.

He, on his end, used to give me a weird look whenever he was reading all the time and I wasn't reading like him.

As for me, I don't need to spend much of my life reading because I have a very sharp rate of assimilation. Yeah, I get it done easily, and it happens in a way that's abnormal.

What do I mean?

*Take a look at my reading habits:

I listen to music while reading:

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I know there are a lot of people like me who listen to music while reading for many reasons. As for me, I get my music playing while I get my whole senses active, which helps me not to get carried away by dizziness if it's nighttime I'm reading. It doesn't divide my attention; no, it just keeps me active and I flow with the song, and sometimes, I sing along with the song.

The kind of music I play is the ones that I'm fond of. I don't go playing songs that will give me a hard time relating to and hence tensing my brain. No! I go with songs that at some points will steal my heart away, walking in the lanes of memories.

I'm more practical when it comes to studying:

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Maybe it's because I did a course that has more calculations than just normal words in textbooks; my brain finds so much joy in calculating or manipulating what I'm studying either by writing with my pen on my rough notebook or imagining those things very vividly. Yeah, when I'm studying, my calculator and other calculation tools, such as Engineering Design tables, are always intact. Instead of just reading on, I prefer to make an attempt at solving and resolving some of the questions, and with such a method, the knowledge sticks to my brain easily.

I'm thankful I didn't study a course without mathematical calculations; it would have been tough on me. Lol🤣

Apart from music that I mentioned earlier, I like to get my brain as swift as possible. I don't like caging it with all seriousness.
Let me tell you, whenever it's examination period, my roommate would delete all the social media apps on his phone, make sure he didn't subscribe to data so he wouldn't go about surfing the internet. He would do all that in order to focus maximally on the study. For me, once in a while studying, I love to log in to the internet, watch some funny clips, or read some interesting stories in order to free up my brain. I'm a big fan of "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

Thanks for reading

This is for day 28 of #aprilinleo prompt.
Do well to read the full details here

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