Love is indeed wicked

Greetings everyone!

Don't get me wrong; love is indeed sweet for those it has favored, but it also brings numerous pains alongside the sweetness. It's like a double-edged sword: one side is sweet, while the other is bitter.

I have a friend who has seen a lot in the hands of love. In fact, love has treated him poorly, and at one point, he made Brick & Lace's "Love Is Wicked" his favorite song. He became so fond of it that his constant playing of the song made me fall in love with it too.

Okay, I talked about my friend and removing myself from the scene,
The truth is, I've also experienced a lot in the hands of love. Whenever love comes knocking on the door, I quickly run to wedge it with a heavy rod to prevent it from entering the house. My heart used to be soft to the extent that once it fell in love, it dedicated 100% to the person.

Throughout the period love I felt in lobe, all that troubled my heart was the thought of the other person. And if by any chance, the person started taking all that dedication and commitment for granted, the heart felt wounded. Oh! "Wounded" is an understatement; the heart felt shattered like a soft chicken on a frying pan, soaked in burning oil trying hard to shrink to a single sample.

For a softhearted human like me, getting into love is damn risky because, in one way or another, the arrows are surely going to be released, and the heart is not always strong enough to withstand it. This is one of the reasons I've been trying to harden my heart into a rock form to feel less pain when love shoots its arrows.

Am I talking trash, right? You haven't seen someone who vowed not to go into love again, right? I don't mean on social media or in movies; I mean in real life.

I've seen a lot of them, and hey, it's not easy considering what they've been through to come to such a conclusion.

During school, I had a roommate who was never into love due to his strict upbringing. When we reached level 300 Level, he decided to give love a shot. He found someone in the same street as us, and they fell madly in love. The girl used to visit us, and my friend visited her too. Their relationship was fine, everything was going well until three months in, misunderstandings began to arise. Before we knew it, there was a halt in their relationship, and my friend suffered deeply because he had given his all to the relationship, ensuring things worked out well. However, the girl was never ready to play nice.

From that time, he vowed never to give love a chance again until he's one month ready for marriage.

Brick and Lace captured it accurately when they sang that song. Love is indeed wicked!

Thanks for reading.

Video from YouTube.

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