Kingship by Age

Greetings, everyone!

One thing I'm very grateful for in my community is the kingship rulership method. It's not done like the popular way of stationing it to a particular family, neither is it done on political terms. It's totally dependent on someone's luck on longevity.

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In case you don't know, in Nigeria, we have two major patterns of throning a king, and they are:

  • By Heritage:

This has to do with the first son of the royal family taking the throne when the father (king) dies. In this pattern, even if the first son is just a baby of 4 years, he will be crowned, not minding the age.
Currently, this has a lot of controversies and it's being done more in the Eastern part of Nigeria.
In this, other families are not entitled to smell the throne as the seat is being transferred from one son to another in a particular family.

Looking closely also, it's a good one too because on a norm, it doesn't suppose to give birth to war because a king is known immediately he was born, but people have wisened up and things are being tempered bit by bit.

  • By Politics:

This is supposed to be the best as the people are allowed by voting to choose who will rule them but hey, trust the bad political system we have over here, it's so bad that anything is manipulable even as low as selecting a class prefect in a high school. Lol😅

Currently, there are many clans and kingdoms making waves with this pattern, but it has never been void of rigging.

In my kingdom, the one we've been using and still using till today is kingship by age. The oldest in the kingdom automatically becomes the king, it's not negotiable or fought over.
If your luck can carry you to hit the age and become the eldest in the community, then it's your luck and luck alone.
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I know you want to ask, "what if the man is very old and can't move or talk anymore?" That's where we have a representative of the king, and the person is usually a son of the king. This representative stands in for the king anywhere and everywhere; he controls all the money coming to the royal house as well as making important decisions.

With this, there's no need to battle for who becomes the king, there's no politics involved, and there's no heritage issue either. It keeps moving from one family to another as long as the oldest man in the land comes out of the family.

Currently in my community, my family holds the position of kingship, and it's been in existence for about four years. The king's representative, my uncle, the direct son of the king, is enjoying all the flows of income.
Our family, in general, is not left out either because we are being respected as the royal family. Even though I don't get to enjoy it directly, I feel good knowing that the land is owned by us currently. Lol 🤣

The man is 100+ years old, and I'm not sure God is going to call him home soon. A lot of people are jealous currently and wishing for him to die, which is very normal for humans, so their family could take the throne, but it's not easy unless they're going to kill him, which is almost impossible because a person of such, God made him to get to that stage of life and he can't be killed like that.

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