Hive Keychain Development Proposal #2

A lot has happened on Hive these past 6 months and I you followed the @keychain account weekly posts, you know that we've never stop building features, on our extension (now available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Brave) and on our mobile App (built for Android and iOS).

The current proposal is coming to an end soon but there's still so much we want to do to help the Hive ecosystem thrive, hence this new proposal.

Hive Keychain DHF 2

This new proposal will start on November 15th, date at which the current one will expire, there will be no overlap between the two proposals.

Just as the past proposal, this one will mainly focus on two different axis :

  • Maintain and improve the existing browser extension
  • Continue developing the Keychain mobile App

The upcoming work regarding these two projects will be discussed on the paragraphs below.

Hive Keychain Extension

A lot has been done on the extension side. You can check our weekly updates to see the complete list of updates but here are some noticeable changes:

  • Improved onboarding through a new requestAddAccount that let Keychain import keys from an external request
  • Buy HIVE/HBD options
  • Update to Keychainify to let dApp owners integrate more Keychain features via a Hivesigner link
  • Improved documentation and automating it using documentation.js
  • Improved nodes management, failover, and keeping the RPC nodes list up to date
  • HBD conversion (with automatic id)
  • New requests usable by dApps such as requestSendToken and changes with existing ones (requestEncodeMemo now works with posting and active keys)
  • Protection against phishing/blacklisted accounts during transfers, and against sending transfers to exchanges without memos
  • Updated our APIs to v2 with some new features (i.e. more detailed token price info)
  • Automatic rewards claiming
  • Automatic free account claiming
  • Updated the code to work through and after the Eclipse HF
  • Export accounts to mobile via QR Code
  • Several UI adjustments
  • Code refactoring
  • Brave browser support
  • Users and dApp developers support

Towards the end of the current proposal, and on the upcoming one, we are switching to spend more time on the mobile side since the extension is now pretty mature. That being said, there are still some features we want to work on such as :

  • Go further with onboarding by letting users create accounts directly from Keychain using one of the onboarding services
  • No-key extension. We want to make it possible to use the extension without any key if you are on an unsafe computer. This will be implemented when the mobile App is mature enough and will allow to link the extension to the mobile phone via QR code and send the requests to that phone, on which they can be confirmed
  • Include settings to the export files, to really make it seamless to import keychain to a new device using a .kc file
  • Ledger integration as soon as the Hive application is approved by Ledger
  • HE tokens operations integration (only transfers are supported so far)
  • Information about proposals
  • Reorganization of the settings
  • Preparation of new features integration ahead of time when introduced via a HF
  • Maintaining extension across all supported browsers through future HFs
  • Users / Devs support

Hive Keychain Mobile

There is a ton of features we want to provide to make Keychain a great mobile App that would help the whole Hive mobile ecosystem thrive. As such, our focus shifted more and more to work on this project.

The first part of this mobile App is the wallet and its currently undergoing tests before an Alpha release this month. Here is what we've done so far:

  • Secure key storage via biometrics using react-native-keychain package
  • Accounts import via private key or master key (not saved)
  • Accounts import via QR code (from extension)
  • Account balances
  • Account value
  • Voting Power and RC indicators
  • Transaction history
  • Wallet operations : Transfers, Power Up, Power Down, Delegations
  • Incoming and outgoing delegations information
  • Hive Engine balances, value and transactions history
  • Hive balance operations : Transfers only (so far)
  • Key and accounts management

Here are some screenshots that I hope will make you excited about what's to come :

What we plan to do during the future 6 months :

  • Iterate on the wallet part according to the issues received by the Alpha users. We are expecting the main challenge will be coming from the biometrics authentication, as it is a device-dependent and OS-dependent matter. User reports will help us make sure it's working correctly independently on the devices.
  • Add features to the wallet (i.e. HBD conversion, Buying HIVE/HBD, witness votes, proposals)
  • In-App browser bridging your favorite dApps with your keys securely stored in mobile Keychain. All the Keychain requests currently working on dApps using the extension will be implemented.
  • Launch the Open Beta
  • Start working on App to App communication, allowing other mobile Apps to request transactions directly to Keychain without ever seeing the keys.


As for the previous proposal, we will keep working on a daily budget of 200 HBD for a period of 6 months.


  • We commit to keep all the code produced through this funding opensource. You can find Hive Keychain and Keychain mobile on their respective Github repositories.
  • We commit to post weekly on the progress made during the previous week. We have held this promise all along the first DHF and we hope you enjoyed following our development updates.


@stoodkev : Lead Developer - Witness
@nateaguila : UI/UX
@yabapmatt : Founder - Witness
@aggroed : Founder - Witness

Support Hive Keychain development by voting for this proposal on PeakD, or with HiveSigner.

100% of payout is redirected to the DHF

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