Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull : Part One

When I saw this bar I had to have it. A beautiful and favorite Pirate piece from Mutiny Metal’s Wicked Sick Relics line is the inspiration for the YouTube video and this story arc of Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull. As a limited edition this is no longer available but Kevin has other Wickedly delightful designs.


Ching Shih also known as Zheng Yi Sao was a genuine historical Pirate figure that dominated the South China Sea. She married an already notorious Pirate by the name of Cheng I in 1801 and joined in his piracy. In 1804 Cheng I managed to unite a number of rival Pirate factions into one coalition called the Red Flag Fleet that boasted as many as 300 ships with some sources claim over 1000 ships. Shih’s Pirate husband died in 1807 resulting in Ching Shih and her Son taking over the fleet. By then her fleet was formidable such that the Qing dynasty could not defeat her. Nor did the British and Portuguese bounty hunters hired by the Qing where able do likewise. It wasn’t until early 1810 that the Red Flag fleet was engaged at the Battle of the Tiger’s mouth against a much superior Portuguese flotilla that the Qing Dynasty can finally offered amnesty to the Ching Shih and the surviving Pirates if they surrendered. Ching Shih retired from Piracy opening a brothel and Gambling house back in her hometown until she died in 1822.


And now my Fictional account as the Bloody Raven encounters the Queen of the Pirates.

Mutiny Metals: Wicked Sick Relics Raven's Skull YouTube Video

Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull : Part One

“A student says to his Master: ‘You talk about peace but you teach me fighting. How do you reconcile the two?’ The Master replied: ‘It is better to be a Warrior in a Garden than a Gardner in a War.’ ` Unknown


Hundreds of Junks in various sizes clutter Quon Lu harbor making navigation challenging for any inbound vessel, but that much more hazardous at night. Like a ghost, the silent ship glides through the flotilla of Junks under the moonlit evening. Only the sounds of the gulls, rolling surf and the commotions of a sleepless city fill the air around the old central wharf. The practice of stealth is the hallmark of this dark ship with her last grey sails furled up in the gentle breeze, dark shadows move about its deck, alert, watching for the cues and hand signals to convey the silent orders. Each hand practiced in his station ensured that everyone aboard knew he has a vital role as closing in on the unsuspecting prey. The grim-faced Steersman acknowledges the final hand signal, turns the wheel another two points port and let remaining momentum drift the ship into the vacant space between two large junks with barely room to spare.


At the last moment Flint orders the lines cast, landing amongst a group of shore hands preoccupied on some game of chance, the Storm Crow's entrance startled the men as if the ship appeared out of nowhere , its menacing black and grey bow features appeared like a three-horned demon with the chaser gun ports as it's fiery eyes. Flint glared at the huddled Chinese men, "Look alive gentleman! Or you'd be already dead!" Even In the military such neglect of duty would likely bring about consequences for those that allow an untended ship to approach so close without notice, he's seen worse exacted by pirate code.


"Extend gangplanks. Light the lamps!" With the ship lit up and secured, Captain Flint begins to assign shore leave. Flickering torches light up the cargo cluttered wharf of this former fishing village. The lantern lit roadway can be seen leading into the heart of the Quon Lu city bristling with it's unfettered business, commerce, and vice establishments of all kinds. "The crew are gonna have a great time." John Silver turns to Raven, "Looks as we have some bureaucrats." He nodded to the pair of men making haste their way to the foot of the gangplank. Flint leans on the rail next to Silver, "We need two new hires John and looking at this place I don't think you're going to have any problems, just make sure they can speak English." Flint then smiles at the Raven, "Oh, and have fun woman. This sounds like a rich job you got lined up for us."
She winked in return, "I'll try not to kill anyone along the way.”


The planned three day layover will give the crew ample opportunity to unwind, spend lavishly perhaps even generously the fruit of their labor while the Raven sets out to meet the famous Pirate Queen.

Quon Lu city is a base for many privateer ships of the region, most don't garner much attention but there was growing crowd of the curious on some on the expectation of a rumoured foreign ship flying the black flag. Many begin to gather awaiting the ship's name declaration. The crowd murmurs as some of the crew disembarks until the Dark Lady of the Blades strode down the gangplank, the crowd quiets as two men, one holding a lantern wearing a war sword and the other with a ledger blocks her at the foot of the gangplank, he was about to put his brush to paper muttering something in Chinese. “chuán bó xì bó fèi ”( Pay fee for ship mooring)

The Raven felt dissed at their obtrusive and blunt behavior. “What is this?”
The persons are of some official capacity bearing the crane symbol on their silk caps. "Engrish ha? One, no, two silver taels for moorage fee each day, how many day, what is name of ship and Captain?" The Harbor master's guard pushed out his hand beckoning immediate payment. The Tael fee was very high, considered far more than a Shilling or two weight a day demanded by the majority of western ports that usually charged, considering the poor and cramped conditions of the wharf and services so far it was hardly worth the fee. Perhaps the extra cost we're to be for a pending upgrade to the facility, but she couldn't help but get the feeling there was a scam afoot. She handed six taels to his 'Enforcer'. He grinned uttering, "Sām" as the Harbor master posts it upon his ledger "three". The Raven had spent twenty years in Central Asia commanding an army as General 'Cold Moon' and the opportunity to learn the language and culture. She observed the man's apparent sleight of hand placing three into an official purse and the remainder in his pocket. The Harbor master posts the character sám or three rather lôk or six and had now mistakenly assumed her lacking grasp of the Chinese language.


Her eyes rolled then her lips slowly enunciated as clearly as possible, "Bào fēng wū yā , the Storm Crow”
The Harbor master eyes lifted from his ledger. His associate lifted the lantern from the ledger to her masked face. Her perturbed expression turning into an frigid stare as she rested her hand on the hilt of her sword, the tone of her voice remained deliberate and now with a low growl, “wǒ shì xuè xīng de wū yā!” And then in English, “I am the Bloody Raven!”

Chang emerged from the mid-ships hold and stepped out to the rail in time to witness the confrontation developing, "Oh, this not good."
"The Bloody Raven is a woman?" Huffed the Official. For whatever his reasons his contempt was palpable. Her mask could not hide her icy stare becoming an evil grin. The air chills and their lantern suddenly flickers out.

Clip art vectors from 123RF
1. Flint from Black Sails 2017 Starz Entertainment LLC
2. Myself The Bloody Raven
3. all else CCO,Wiki Common, Public Domain images

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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